Browse Items (145 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hull"

Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…

Reg Harrison grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada and enjoyed watching aircraft when they flew over. He had his first flight as a youngster after borrowing five dollars from a shopkeeper. He volunteered for aircrew as soon as he was of age and…

Writes of digging a small patch of land as garden and discusses what he has planted. Mentions going to a play and that he does not get lonely as he has so many pleasant memories of her. Asks after friends and says two more boys from Scunthorpe had…

First advises ArrivedEngland [sic] safely home in few days. The second arrived England home in few days happy. Both signed Roy.

Informs him that his son was a prisoner of war. Announced in German broadcast.

Writes in answer to her letter that the remainder of James Lee's crew were all killed. Mentions Wing Commander Gomm, captain and commander of the squadron. Rejoices that one member was spared and it would not be long before she was reunited with her…

Informs him that his son failed to return from operations.

About Lancaster (ED655) of 57 Squadron over target 22/23 September 1943. Report on engagement on two enemy night fighters by mid-upper and rear gunners. First enemy aircraft claimed as destroyed. Damage to Lancaster engine sub-frame. Continues with…

Full length portrait of a man wearing flying suit, boots and gloves. He has a helmet in his right hand. A bird table trees and building in the background. On the reverse 'Pilot Officer Douglas Park, 26.8.23 - 2.12.43'. Note attached giving further…

Green card 'Jan 1941 - EFTS Brough'


Still at Brough and finished ground instruction and fly every day when weather permits. Writes about money mistake made by Post Office now rectified. Received letter from acquaintance asking him if he was OK. Passes on news from other letters. Writes…


Reports arrival of two letters and four newspapers. Catches up with home news. Writes that they had finished final exams and awaiting results. Fly when weather is good and hoping that they will be able to move on soon. mentions flying previous day.


Reports he was well and had received newspapers from home and comments on news. No letter from her for five weeks. Not much happening apart from exams but no flying. Asks after friends and family at home.


Writes that he has had no letter but suspects ship sunk. Little to report, had done a little flying and ready to go solo weather permitting. Preparing for final ground exams and once done - posting to another station for advanced training. However,…


Writes he is well but no mail has arrived. Comments that poor weather preventing flying but he had passed the last lot of ground exams and now studying for next ones. Carries on about the weather, mentions film he has seen and that winter Sunday's in…


Seventeen airmen wearing tunic and side caps sitting and standing in three rows. On the reverse 'C Flight E.F.T.S. Brough, Yorkshire, 1940/41, left to right, top row, Peter Bern, Eddie McBarnett, Neville Chamberlain, Neil Allen, Maurice Gruber,…

Writes that he had written regularly and was at a loss as to why she had had no mail from him. Possibly the mail had gone down. Still at Brough but no flying due to fog and rain. Mentions other mail and discusses a photograph. Writes of all the other…


Thanks her for letter and all the other things she sent. Writes that he has now moved from Paignton to elementary flying school at Brough. Says that conditions there were very nice and mentions nothing to do in local area but had to go to Hull.…


Thanks her for letter and comments on weather and that it had snowed. Writes of going on a route march and having a snow ball fight. Mentions everything is frozen and doing P.T. outside. Had his move to elementary flying near Hull cancelled but hope…


List of twenty-nine letters sent by Donald Baker to his mother between June 1940 and September 1941. Also notes he was shot down on 5 November 1941.

Stars in June 1940 based on letters written to his mother. Tells of life in Rhodesia before being called up and travelling to England, Discusses war as well as work and social life and initial training in Rhodesia. Goes on to describe a little of…

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…
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