Browse Items (145 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hull"

Joyce Clayton was born in Lincoln and served with the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, where she was first assigned to barrage balloons before becoming an equipment officer at various stations. Whilst based at RAF Sutton-on-Hull she witnessed the bombing…

Kenneth Angus lived in Hull, and was 12 when war was declared. He discusses life on a farm, after being evacuated, the bombing of Hull and his brother Harry Angus, who was killed flying as a wireless operator/air gunner with 44 Squadron from RAF…

Laurie lived at 31 Buckingham Street, Hull, before being bombed. Laurie, then nearly three, and his mother went to stay with distant relatives at Talbot Farm, Bassingham Fen. There were a lot of Land Girls working at the farms in the area.…

Raymond Meggett grew up on a farm in Lincolnshire near Scampton, where RAF personnel stayed during the war. His parents told him about some of these men, and sometimes kept in touch with them. He recalls tales of the other farmers, civilian and RAF.…

Reg Harrison grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada and enjoyed watching aircraft when they flew over. He had his first flight as a youngster after borrowing five dollars from a shopkeeper. He volunteered for aircrew as soon as he was of age and…

Rob Carter was born in the village of Scampton and reminisces about his life on the land before the war. He recalls the foundation of RAF Dunholme Lodge, which his house overlooked. During the war, he served in the Auxiliary Fire Service. He was…

As a child, Ron Harrison witnessed the bombing of Hull. He describes what it was like to be a child exploring the bombed out areas of the city with his young friends. His father was a fireman and while he was attending fires in the dock area their…

During the war Sheena lived in Cottingham, a village close to Hull. She lived with her mother and father (who was a fire watcher and had fought in the Far East during WWI). She had two elder brothers, one in the Navy and one in the Royal Air Force,…

Green card 'Jan 1941 - EFTS Brough'


Official letter with reference to application to enlist in Royal Air Force Reserve giving instructions for Dennis Raettig to attend recruiting cenre in Hull on 15 January 1941 for vacancy as 'Ach u/t Flight Mechanic (E/A)'.

Thanks her for letter and comments on weather and that it had snowed. Writes of going on a route march and having a snow ball fight. Mentions everything is frozen and doing P.T. outside. Had his move to elementary flying near Hull cancelled but hope…


Thanks her for letter and all the other things she sent. Writes that he has now moved from Paignton to elementary flying school at Brough. Says that conditions there were very nice and mentions nothing to do in local area but had to go to Hull.…


Writes that he had written regularly and was at a loss as to why she had had no mail from him. Possibly the mail had gone down. Still at Brough but no flying due to fog and rain. Mentions other mail and discusses a photograph. Writes of all the other…


Writes he is well but no mail has arrived. Comments that poor weather preventing flying but he had passed the last lot of ground exams and now studying for next ones. Carries on about the weather, mentions film he has seen and that winter Sunday's in…


Writes that he has had no letter but suspects ship sunk. Little to report, had done a little flying and ready to go solo weather permitting. Preparing for final ground exams and once done - posting to another station for advanced training. However,…


Reports he was well and had received newspapers from home and comments on news. No letter from her for five weeks. Not much happening apart from exams but no flying. Asks after friends and family at home.


Reports arrival of two letters and four newspapers. Catches up with home news. Writes that they had finished final exams and awaiting results. Fly when weather is good and hoping that they will be able to move on soon. mentions flying previous day.


Still at Brough and finished ground instruction and fly every day when weather permits. Writes about money mistake made by Post Office now rectified. Received letter from acquaintance asking him if he was OK. Passes on news from other letters. Writes…


Written to his brother who was pilot training in Canada. Asks after Joan and mentions recent activities in Scunthorpe. Mentions he is now in the RAF and describes initial activities and train journey and meeting someone who had missed their…

Letter and accompanying explanatory text. Sorry to hear that Alex had been grounded and asked about his future. Catches up with news of a number of friends as well as sister Edith and other family members. Mentions his social life and meeting girl…

Letter and accompanying explanatory text. Writes he is still waiting for his call up papers. Describes events when girl friend came over including a dance and supper before dropping her off at her uncles where she was staying. Asks after Joan.…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of arriving at home and missing seeing his brother due to travel difficulties. Describes quiet evening with Mary and Sunday dinner. Comments of difficult journey back to base and finding out exam results on his…

Letter stating that former trade union has now amalgamated with the national graphical association. Continue with particulars of recipient and notes on payment of subscriptions.

Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…

Reports arrival of latest mail from home and thanks her for birthday greetings. Comments on her and Norman's activities as well as congratulating her on her school results and arranging a reward. Concludes with other gossip.
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