Browse Items (409 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hampshire"

Pages from Jack's diary for 6 June 1940 to 21 June 1940 describing the withdrawal through France and his subsequent evacuation from Jersey by ship. He describes the advancing Germany Army, crowds of refugees, packing and destroying equipment that had…

Left page: top left, helicopter undertaking survey work. Top right, a Mosquito in flight with missiles suspended below the fuselage. Middle left, reports from surveyors. Middle right, airborne missile below a Mosquito with a further missile held…

Flying log book for F A Robinson covering the period from 8 September 1938 to 22 January 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes flight certificates, congratulatory messages and notes of appreciation from senior officers, a…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for F C Jenkins, navigator, covering the period from 3 January 1940 to 10 May 1953. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties with 575 Squadron, 46 Squadron and 14…

A list of addresses where F G Bower stayed interspersed with names and addresses of colleagues.

Left page:
Top left - two girls sitting on lawn in garden.
Top centre - head and shoulders image of a baby wearing coat with hood.
Top right - a crowd, including a young girl and woman with baby in pushchair watching an elephant.
Middle left -…


The first two are the same. Fanny is the mother of Arthur Thomas.
The third is a group of 18 Royal Flying Corps airmen arranged in four rows in front of a wooden hut at Farnborough. Reginald is Arthur's father and is fourth from left in the rear…

Photograph 1 is of an officer shaking hands with the King, watched by airmen and airwomen.
Photograph 2, 3 and 6 are of views of the parade with a royal and RAF ensign central to the view.
Photograph is 4 is of Queen viewing the…

In the centre a Grand Slam bomb. Below a bend in the river Avon with woods to the top, open ground below and Criddlestyle on the right. Bomb was dropped on Ashley Walk Range.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the…

A biography of FC Jenkins. It covers his birth and marriage but concentrates on his RAF years. He took part in 58 operations and survived the war to continue in RAF service.

For the Javelin on 41 and 46 Squadrons.

Ackowledges that he has joined the RAFVR as potential aircrew.

Signed by Frank when posted to Farnborough.

Form signed by his father allowing Frank to join the RAF.

Four pages completed when Frank joined the Service in 1941.

Frank is a Fight Lieutenant at Farnborough, good report, fit for promotion.


Frank was employed as a Navigator / Bomb Aimer on the Experimental Flight at Farnborough, good report and fit for promotion.


Frank was a Flight Lieutenant Navigator flying in the Javelin on No 46 Squadron at Odiham. He was assessed as 'Fit for promotion.'


Aircrew flying log book 4, for F S W Jolliffe, navigator/radar, covering the period from 4 December 1956 to 20 July 1961. Detailing his flying duties with 46, 141, 41, 60 squadrons and headquarters number 11 group. He was stationed at RAF Odiham, RAF…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers log book 3 for F S W Jolliffe, navigator, covering the period from 7 October 1952 to 30 November 1956. Detailing his flying training and flying duties with experimental flying department, central…

Right page.

Top left - Christine Dawson riding on a toy horse in a garden with fence in the background. Top right - Christine Dawson between a woman kneeling and a man squatting in a garden. Middle - a woman standing in a garden holding Christine…
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