Browse Items (420 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Algeria"

Catches up with mail and cables set and received, comments of frequency of letters sent from England and tries to deduce if any have gone astray. Comments on heat and weather in general. Mentions meeting a young lady he knew at previous camp and of…

Says he had not received any mail since his last letter to them. Catalogues recent mail and cables along with comments. Is expecting a letter the next day. Comments on weather, heat and sirocco wind. Mentions that other internees had received parcels…

Still waiting for their next letter and catalogues recent mail and cables sent and received. Writes that he hoped they had a good day on their wedding anniversary and his thought were with them. Expresses his delight again at the photographs they…

Catches up with mail and cables sent and received, mentions he has had now received eight photographs from home. Asks them to thank other people who have sent him letters. Contrast English countryside to his current locations and mentions that home…

Catches up with mail cables received and comments on photographs enclosed. Wonders if they have received the photographs he sent yet. Comments that he has now been in Africa a year and that his existence feels futile and that patience and inactivity…

Catches up on mail sent and received and noted some missing from sequence. Noted telegrams sent/received , one of which was birthday greetings to his father, hoped he would be home for the next one. Exchanged gossip and mentioned weather cooler and…

Notes he is writing on father's birthday and also to answer two recent letters. Distressed to hear news of several colleagues and notes the whole gang apart from one have now gone. Mentions how close he came to the same fate. Goes on with some family…

Catches up on mail received and sent and notes arrival of two more photographs making ten overall which he keeps in his wallet. Mentions photographs of himself that he had with him. Compares weather in England with his and mentions they had had some…

Catches up with mail and cables sent and received. Writes how contents of recent Red Cross parcel helped them prepare a very good 21st birthday celebration meal and describes menu. Catches up with family and friends gossip. Mentions letter writing…

Catches up with mail/cables sent/received. Mentions a problem with addressing a cable which caused delay in dispatch. Writes of difficult time for them when he was reported missing and how that worried him most. Noted that many of his letters all…

Catches up with mail sent and received. Writes of journey to new camp at Laghouat, Algeria, 300 miles south of Algiers after a 15 hour journey by rail and road. Describes locale and that it is on edge of desert. Oasis town surrounded by 43,000 palm…

Catches up with letters cable he has received and discusses problems with mail going missing but suggest that they write as much as possible. He is pleased that they do not have to put stamps on outward mail and it goes through the American consul in…

Catches up with mail and cables received and is sorry about them not receiving his mail despite him writing twice a week. Repeats that he has now moved to Laghouat and provides some description. Mention parcels that others have received by airmail…

Notes receipt of recent letter from them but is concerned that they have had no mail from him for five weeks despite that fact he writes two letters week. He is not aware of any problems with the post and said as a result, his letters would have…

Catches up with mail received and states he is writing to them twice a week. Glad that they received his cable with change of his location. Sorry to hear acquaintance was missing. Says that they should continue to sent him mail via the American…

Reports arrival of latest of their letters but out of sequence. Notes this was the fifth letter he had written after arrival at new camp at Laghouat. Notes weather was cooler than anticipated with cloudless days and nights. Says his face was tanned…

Sends greetings on their wedding anniversary, cable to follow. Reports arrival of mail but no parcels, still hoping. Mentions strong wind blowing and that it has been hot for several days. Reports on books read and discusses some content. Relates…

Writes that last two days were red letter for him as he received a cable and three letters from them as well as other mail. He replied to their cable immediately but does not know why his letters are not getting through to them. Mentions that they…

Reports arrival of letters and telegram to which he is sending reply. Outlines changes to telegram system. Notes they have dispatched another parcel but is still awaiting arrival of the first ones. Describes recent weather with thunderstorm and…

Lists recent letters arrived and pleased that they had dispatch another parcel to him via the Red Cross. Discusses content of their letters praising their faith and courage. Provides considerable discussion about books in general. Mentions running a…

List latest mail and was pleased to get details of the letters they had received from him. Writes that someone has lost the negatives of the photographs in the camp newspaper and the only way they can be recovered is from an internees mother who had…

Catches up with mail and cables received and notes that several all arrived on the same day. Discussed problem with addressing some mail which did not get sent by French post office. Reports again arrival of Canadian Red Cross parcels. Notes that Red…

According to most recent letter from them, none of his mail has arrived with them for eight weeks and he does not know why. Mentions a problem with their address and French post office. Mentions a fellow internee called Eric Pickles (Fleet Air Arm)…

Catches up with mail received and sent including cable. Discusses problems with French post which caused delay with one of his cables to them. Again suggests that they buy a radio as his Christmas and mother's birthday present to them, he was sure…

Reports arrival of latest mail and of first Red Cross parcel from them full of very useful things. Lists contents and mentions some items added by Red Cross. Glad they had dispatched second parcel and discusses footwear sizes. Catches up with mail…
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