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Aerial Photograph
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.
Target Photograph
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire but a river is visible at the top right.
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'
Hanover Rail Depot
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Hanover. No ground detail is visible due to flares and anti-aircraft flashes.
It is captioned ' 2901 PCK 22/23-9-43 // NT 8" 19000--> 130 M 2143 Hanover RD. X. 2 x 1000 5 x 4 6 x 30 37…
It is captioned ' 2901 PCK 22/23-9-43 // NT 8" 19000--> 130 M 2143 Hanover RD. X. 2 x 1000 5 x 4 6 x 30 37…
Les Mureaux
A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operations at Meulan Les-Mureaux. The railway on the south side of the Seine is clearly visible. It is captioned '4128 PCK 2/3:3:44 // NT 8" 8500' --- 090T 0314 Meulan RD. 5 x 1000 9 x 500 18 secs…
Trappes Rail Depot
Two vertical aerial photographs taken during an operation at Trappes.
The first is captioned '4156 PCK 6/7:3:44// NT 8" 12300' --- Trappes RD 6 x 1000 9 x 500 S/L Millson F/102'.
The second is captioned ' 4155 PCK 6/7:3:44 // NT 8" 12300' --- 159M…
The first is captioned '4156 PCK 6/7:3:44// NT 8" 12300' --- Trappes RD 6 x 1000 9 x 500 S/L Millson F/102'.
The second is captioned ' 4155 PCK 6/7:3:44 // NT 8" 12300' --- 159M…
Dusseldorf Rail Depot
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Dusseldorf. No detail is visible due to light from flares, searchlights and anti-aircraft fire.
It is captioned '3534 PCK 3/4:11:43 // NT 8" 16500' --- 1950 059M Dusseldorf RD. Q. 2 x…
It is captioned '3534 PCK 3/4:11:43 // NT 8" 16500' --- 1950 059M Dusseldorf RD. Q. 2 x…
Mine laying
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a mine-laying operation.
It is captioned ' 4295 PCK 22/23 .3.44 //NT 8" 14500' --- 271T 2123. Gardening. E. 2x1500 s3 secs S/L Millson L/102'.
It is captioned ' 4295 PCK 22/23 .3.44 //NT 8" 14500' --- 271T 2123. Gardening. E. 2x1500 s3 secs S/L Millson L/102'.
Kassel Rail Depot
A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Kassel Rail Depot.No ground detail is visible and the image is obscured by flares.
It is captioned '3485 PCK 22/23:10:43 // NT 8" 16000'--- Kassel RD. Z. 2 x 1000 8 x 4 3 x 30 S/L…
It is captioned '3485 PCK 22/23:10:43 // NT 8" 16000'--- Kassel RD. Z. 2 x 1000 8 x 4 3 x 30 S/L…
Two vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation.
The first is captioned '4343 PCK 26/27:3:44//NT 8" 12500' ---184M 2102. Courtrai RD E 5x1000 10x500 24 secs S/L Millson L/102' There are two shadows of aircraft in the centre of the…
The first is captioned '4343 PCK 26/27:3:44//NT 8" 12500' ---184M 2102. Courtrai RD E 5x1000 10x500 24 secs S/L Millson L/102' There are two shadows of aircraft in the centre of the…
A vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left
Tags: aerial photograph; bombing
Ship on fire
A vertical aerial photograph showing five ships. The largest ship is on fire.
Tags: aerial photograph; bombing
A vertical aerial photograph of Lorient centred on submarine base showing two bombs leaving an aircraft.
Tags: aerial photograph; bombing; submarine
Albert Millson, wife and father
Albert in uniform and greatcoat at the gates of Buckingham Palace. He is with his wife and father.
Tags: aircrew
Two airmen and a dog
One airman is in bed, smoking, with his dog. The second is sitting drinking tea with him. They are looking at a newspaper. Mixed collection of photographs on the wall.
Tags: aircrew; animal; military living conditions