Browse Items (61 total)

  • Is Part Of is exactly "Millson, Albert Edward. Photographs"

A man standing beside his Rover coupe.

A view of the sea frontage of St Leonards with the Marine Court in the centre. It is arrowed and annotated [indecipherable].

A view across the bridge.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire but a river is visible at the top right.
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Hanover. No ground detail is visible due to flares and anti-aircraft flashes.
It is captioned ' 2901 PCK 22/23-9-43 // NT 8" 19000--> 130 M 2143 Hanover RD. X. 2 x 1000 5 x 4 6 x 30 37…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operations at Meulan Les-Mureaux. The railway on the south side of the Seine is clearly visible. It is captioned '4128 PCK 2/3:3:44 // NT 8" 8500' --- 090T 0314 Meulan RD. 5 x 1000 9 x 500 18 secs…

Two vertical aerial photographs taken during an operation at Trappes.
The first is captioned '4156 PCK 6/7:3:44// NT 8" 12300' --- Trappes RD 6 x 1000 9 x 500 S/L Millson F/102'.
The second is captioned ' 4155 PCK 6/7:3:44 // NT 8" 12300' --- 159M…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Dusseldorf. No detail is visible due to light from flares, searchlights and anti-aircraft fire.
It is captioned '3534 PCK 3/4:11:43 // NT 8" 16500' --- 1950 059M Dusseldorf RD. Q. 2 x…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a mine-laying operation.
It is captioned ' 4295 PCK 22/23 .3.44 //NT 8" 14500' --- 271T 2123. Gardening. E. 2x1500 s3 secs S/L Millson L/102'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Kassel Rail Depot.No ground detail is visible and the image is obscured by flares.
It is captioned '3485 PCK 22/23:10:43 // NT 8" 16000'--- Kassel RD. Z. 2 x 1000 8 x 4 3 x 30 S/L…

Two vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation.
The first is captioned '4343 PCK 26/27:3:44//NT 8" 12500' ---184M 2102. Courtrai RD E 5x1000 10x500 24 secs S/L Millson L/102' There are two shadows of aircraft in the centre of the…

A vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left

A vertical aerial photograph showing five ships. The largest ship is on fire.

A vertical aerial photograph of Lorient centred on submarine base showing two bombs leaving an aircraft.

A girl sitting on the running board of a car.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Albert holding a baby outside a house.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

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Albert lounging outside in a chair with pen and paper.

A man standing beside his ice cream selling bicycle, outside the Millson family shop 89 Pembury Road Tonbridge.

Identification kindly provided by Adrienne Irving of the Unidentified photos of the British Isles Facebook Group.

Albert's father standing in the door of the family shop, 89 Pembury Road Tonbridge.

Identification kindly provided by Adrienne Irving of the Unidentified photos of the British Isles Facebook Group.

A half length portrait of Albert's father.

Albert, smoking a cigar, sitting in an aircraft cockpit.

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Albert in uniform and greatcoat at the gates of Buckingham Palace. He is with his wife and father.


Albert and a woman leaving church together.

One airman is in bed, smoking, with his dog. The second is sitting drinking tea with him. They are looking at a newspaper. Mixed collection of photographs on the wall.
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