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Denys Oliver Street’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 22 April 1941 to 29 March 1943, detailing his training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at USAAF Miami (Oklahoma) (3 British FTS), RAF Grantham (12 PAFU), RAF…

Page for March 1945, 115 Squadron RAF Witchford. Shows six Lancaster sorties, operations to Bruchstrasse, Münster and Hamm (both last two duty not carried out - bombs jettisoned in North Sea).

Jack Wakefield’s Royal New Zealand Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 16th May 1940 until 27th July 1944.
Initial training at No. 1 Air Observers School, RNZAF, followed by 5 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 75…

Pilots flying log book 3 for Z F Klatkiewicz, covering the period from 25 September 1945 to 5 July 1948. Detailing his flying duties with 2 Air Gunnery School and Empire Air Armament School. He was stationed at 2 Air Gunnery School RAF Dalcross and…

Pilots flying log book for Z F Klatkeiwicz, covering the period from 1 March 1943 to 30 September 1944. Detailing his flying duties with 13 Maintenance Unit, flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 13 Maintenance…

Pilots flying log book one for Z F Klatkiewicz, covering the period from 1 September 1941 to 27 February 1943. Detailing his flying training and service flying at 13 Maintenance Unit. He was stationed at 25 (Polish) Elementary Flying Training School…

Extracts from Guy Sharp’s Pilots Flying Log Book from 16th December 1940 until 31st July 1942. Initial training at 15 Elementary Flying Training School, 14 Service Flying Training School and then 20 Operational Training Unit. Operational postings…

Alan Richardson’s Flying Log Book as an air gunner from 11th April 1940 until 31st August 1943. Trained as an air gunner and wireless operator at No. 9 Bombing and Gunnery School and No. 9 Air Observers School. Posted to 11 Operational Training…

Pilots flying log book for E Olenyn, covering the period from 2 August 1940 to 18 June 1941. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at 15 Elementary Flying School RAF Carlisle, 18 Operational Training Unit RAF Hucknall…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J K Leigh, wireless operator/air gunner, covering the period from 25 April 1939 to 27 December 1941. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Volunteer Reserve RAF…

Pages for January and part of February 1938 recoding sorties in Hart aircraft. Includes first solo. Last page has summary of hours and proficiency from flying school. Note he had been suspended from further training due to breach of flying…

Lennox Lamb’s Royal Air Force Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 24th November 1930 until 27th October 1939.
Initial training as a pilot at Nos. 3 and 2 Flying Training Schools. Posted to 99 Squadron in January 1932. Between January and August 1933…

Harry Kartz’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 8th November 1940 until 12th August 1941. Trained as a wireless operator and air gunner at No. 2. Signals School. Posted to 20 Operational Training Unit and then 9…

Alan Gwilliam’s Flying Log Book from 23rd December 1938 until 29th September 1943. Joined RAF Volunteer Reserve. Initial pilot training at No. 8 Elementary and Reserve Flying Training School, No. 4 Initial Training Wing, No. 4 Elementary Flying…

Brian Clarke’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 14 June 1943 to 14 January 1944, detailing his training and operations as an Air Gunner. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth (No. 4 Air Gunnery School), RAF…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Robert Kirkbright covering the period 1 August 1942 to 26 November 1943. Details his training and operational duties. He flew 26 night time operations as bomb aimer with 199 Squadron. Operations…

Oberserver’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Robert Kirkbright covering the period 1 June 1942 to 25 October 1942. Details his training with 5 AOS and 30 OTU.

A page from log book showing operations to Dortmund, Duisburg, Pforzheim and Neuss in February 1945. His pilot on operations was Flying Officer Whitmarsh

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for H A Mace, wireless operator, covering the period from 16 July 1942 to 24 March 1944, when he was shot down on operations to Berlin. He was stationed at 8 Air Gunnery School RAF Evanton, 4 Signals…

Pilot's flying log book for Horace Cooke covering the period 11 April 1944 to 1 June 1945 when Horace served in Canada with 31 Personnel Dispatch, 19 Elementary Flying School, 17 Service Flying Training School and 7 Bombing and Gunnery School.


K Payne’s Flying Log Book from 14th March 1943 until 17th December 1950. Initial pilot training at No 8 Elementary Flying Training School RAAF, followed by No 8 Service Flying Training School. Posted to No 1 Air Navigation School in September 1943.…
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