Browse Items (98 total)

  • Conforms To is exactly "Pending geolocation"

Air to ground view of a city with tail fin and tail plane of a Lancaster in white paint scheme on the right. Two other Lancasters in the distance top centre right. On the reverse 'Air view of Hamburg, front line 46'.

Vertical aerial photograph of part of Hamburg showing bomb damage. Two large buildings and some smaller ones remain standing while most have been either destroyed completely or gutted. The upper, right area appears to be residential, though few…

Aerial inclined photograph showing open countryside with fields, woods and occasional buildings. In the bottom left is a field containing a large number of gliders gathered and parked close together in a corner at the far end. There are a number of…

Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left

An oblique aerial photograph of a harbour with oil tanks and reclaimed land visible.

Left page; top, view across tennis courts to Headington School, Headington road, Headington, Oxford.
Bottom, a group of 13 girls and a teacher taken in the main assembly hall of Headington school.
Right page: top a group of 13 children and a…

Oblique aerial photograph of a vast expanse of land. An industrial plant surrounded by storage tanks can be seen in the middle, branch line bottom right.

Target photograph shows glare and explosions. Built up area roads are faintly visible. Captioned '252.BTN 7/8-6-44//NT F/8, 5000, 080 degrees, 01.13, JUVISY RD, C, 19x500, F/L DAVIES, U78'. Submitted in folder titled 'U-Uncle Target Images'.

Vertical aerial photograph of an urban area at the top and right hand side. Street patterns and parks are clearly visible. At the bottom it is captioned ‘1. R(X5) 12 NT 28/29/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

A full frame vertical aerial photograph of a Lancaster flying over a heavily bombed V-1 site.
On the reverse 'KB745 VR-V 419 Sqn Middleton St Geo attacking V1 site July 1944.
Lost 5/10/44 crashed into high ground on Op to Norway'

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is bombing of the centre of Le Havre.
Photo 2 is taken on the next day and German Army positions on the outskirts were attacked.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view during take off from the bomb aimer's station.
Photo 2 is air gunner Paddy Glover in his mid-upper turret.
Photo 3 is wireless operator George Tredinnick looking out of the astro-dome.
Photo 4 is…

Side by side reconnaissance photographs showing an industrial area with buildings, roads and towards the right, some railway sidings. This industrial area is orientated from lower left to top right. Chimney smoke is seen on the left hand photograph.…

View looking down from low level on Lincoln Cathedral from the south west.

A vertical aerial photograph of Lorient centred on submarine base showing two bombs leaving an aircraft.

Photograph 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of a transformer and switching station at Orleans. Most of it is obscured by bomb explosions and smoke. A wide road runs diagonally across the image. Captioned 'R1.342F 3 OCT 43//…

A vertical aerial photograph of Metz taken during a bombing operation. Much of the image is obscured by explosions.
It is annotated '2739.LMG. 28/29.6.44 // NT 8" 12000 --> 041°0131 1/12 Metz Raid. K. 13x 500 c.23 secs W/O Irish . K.429.'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operations at Meulan. The railway leading into the rail depot are clearly visible.
It is captioned '4128 PCK 2/3:3:44 // NT 8" 8500' --- 090T 0314 Meulan RD. 5 x 1000 9 x 500 18 secs S/L Millson…

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.

A vertical aerial reconnaissance photograph of Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam with two target areas marked.

Photo 1 - view across the port wing of a Lancaster in flight. Mostly clouds.

Photo 2 - air-to-air view from the mid-upper turret looking aft towards five Lancasters.

Photo 3 - vertical aerial photograph of Wesel, Germany during a bombing…

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

Top - reconnaissance photograph of town on left with roads and open countryside on right.

Middle left - Air-to-air view of formation of four Lancasters in light paint scheme over open countryside. The tail plane of aircraft from which photo…

An oblique aerial photograph of two rivers and three bridges.
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