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  • Conforms To is exactly "Pending geolocation"

Vertical aerial photograph of an urban area at the top and right hand side. Street patterns and parks are clearly visible. At the bottom it is captioned ‘1. R(X5) 12 NT 28/29/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

Photograph 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of a transformer and switching station at Orleans. Most of it is obscured by bomb explosions and smoke. A wide road runs diagonally across the image. Captioned 'R1.342F 3 OCT 43//…

Two prints of the same target photograph showing open countryside. Road runs top middle to bottom right. Captioned '2172, 104/29, 20 Nov 44, F8, 8100 ft, →15.23, S.D. Sjenica'.

Target photograph showing road running left middle to top right through open countryside. Captioned '2119, 104/26, 18/Nov/44, F8, 9500 ft, →14.45, D.S. Road S. of Stenica'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Trier. Much of the detail is obscured by bomb explosions but in the bottom right corner are fields and roads.

It is captioned :
'1654 SDL 23.12.44 // 7" 17000 097 1433 Trier B

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Cologne. The street pattern is very clear with explosions in the bottom left of the image.
It is captioned '2101 NKL 2.3.45 // 8" 18000 090° 1002 Cologne H IHC 4000 IN: 6ANM 64DT.6MC 5000…

A vertical aerial photograph of Lorient centred on submarine base showing two bombs leaving an aircraft.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left

Two vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation.
The first is captioned '4343 PCK 26/27:3:44//NT 8" 12500' ---184M 2102. Courtrai RD E 5x1000 10x500 24 secs S/L Millson L/102' There are two shadows of aircraft in the centre of the…

Two vertical aerial photographs taken during an operation at Trappes.
The first is captioned '4156 PCK 6/7:3:44// NT 8" 12300' --- Trappes RD 6 x 1000 9 x 500 S/L Millson F/102'.
The second is captioned ' 4155 PCK 6/7:3:44 // NT 8" 12300' --- 159M…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operations at Meulan. The railway leading into the rail depot are clearly visible.
It is captioned '4128 PCK 2/3:3:44 // NT 8" 8500' --- 090T 0314 Meulan RD. 5 x 1000 9 x 500 18 secs S/L Millson…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire but a river is visible at the top right.
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.

Aerial inclined photograph showing open countryside with fields, woods and occasional buildings. In the bottom left is a field containing a large number of gliders gathered and parked close together in a corner at the far end. There are a number of…

Top left an aerial vertical photograph of waterway junction with bridge. Canal or river runs from top left down towards bottom right. Splits into two branches towards the bottom. Right branch has road bridge crossing to the land between the two…

Vertical aerial photograph of Hamburg. Most of the buildings are destroyed with only shells remaining. Captioned 'Hamburg'.

Photographs 1, 3 and 5 show damage to buildings on the riverside.
Photograph 2 is a low level oblique photograph of Cologne, with bomb damaged Hohenzollern Bridge.
Photograph 4 is a low level oblique photograph of Wesel with bomb damaged…

Reconnaissance photograph showing mostly open countryside. Bottom right shows entrance to railway tunnel with large crater and other craters to the right. On the reverse '15.6.44, WS, G79, 51:92/20'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing entrance of railway tunnel with large crater just above. Two other craters on approach line with others to the left and right. On the reverse '8.7.44, W.S. G94, 51:92/20'.

View of a town below with grid of streets.

Air to ground view of coastal low cliffs run bottom left to right with open countryside beyond.

Air to ground view of city with tall buildings in the centre

Air to ground vertical view of several city blocks. Square grid of roads.

Top - reconnaissance photograph of town on left with roads and open countryside on right.

Middle left - Air-to-air view of formation of four Lancasters in light paint scheme over open countryside. The tail plane of aircraft from which photo…

A collection of photographs in an album. From top left to bottom right:
1. Target photograph showing three bombs falling towards cloud and fields. There is no caption to identify the target.
2. Target photograph. The ground is mostly obscured by…
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