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Titled "Here are your allies" the booklet highlights Italy's alliance of with a harsh and hypocrite regime. It provides short bios and photos of key Nazi leaders, condemns antisemitism, denounces Nazi massacres and the oppression of religion, and…

Newspaper cutting, in Polish, describing the activities of a Polish airman in the UK.


Document for a commemoration day in Schiermonnikoog. Names mentioned: Mr and Mrs Feijes, Mr Rutherford, Nina van Leur, Iris Schut, Ambrosius Feijes.

Major Gordon Lett writes to Colonnello Mario Fontana regarding drop zones at Borseda Veppo, Vezzanelli, S. Pasquale, and Casoni. The latter must be reserved for material destined for the British special forces.


The leaflet observes that Britain has been joined by the United States and Soviet Union with their leaders sharing Churchill’s vision and words, seeking freedom and peace for all people. Churchill has undertaken to help everyone who fights against…

Flyer produced for Poles being held in Germany. Motivational in nature, it has details of the support of Allied Forces described by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the consequences for any Germans that mistreat prisoners. It contains instructions…

Major Gordon Lett condemns the disturbance followed a recent air drop at Vezzanelli: Partisans tried to appropriate material intended for the Allied Mission, British personnel tried to restore order and shots were fired on both sides. He recommends a…


Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population.
Side 1 places Hitler's claim in 1941 that Russia was already destroyed alongside his 1942 announcement that the German army in the east needed reinforcement. Below is a description by…

This is not your struggle. A leaflet produced for the USAAF and RAF.

Leaflet suggests how Germans can mitigate any difficulties of the post-war period through self-help to save their families and rebuild their homeland. Allowing ‘fanatics’ to blow up utilities would mean more suffering and greater difficulties in…

RAF Propaganda Newspaper ('Luftpost') aimed at the German-speaking population.
Page 1: Describes how the death and destruction meted out by the Luftwaffe to Germany's neighbours is being more than returned to German cities.
Page 2. Argues that the…


Exhorts German mothers and wives to write to their menfolk to bring peace and stop bloodshed, something it claims Hitler wishes to avoid. Reference made to the coup carried out by the German generals on 20 July. Contrasting photographs of loss of…


Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German speaking population.
Page 1. Hitler taking over command from his generals.
Page 2. Photos of German setbacks in Russia and Libya.
Page 3. Photo of the frozen corpse of a German soldier above the caption:…

Comandante Luciano Scotti writes to Tenente Scaramuccia regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. The pace of delivery must be increased at any cost, with labourers working from 8am to 1pm on festival days.


Letter from Comandante Luciano Scotti to Comandante Bucchioni regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. Stresses that complaints regarding scarcity of supplies are wholly unjustified and the Allied Mission pays 100 Lire a day to…


A letter from Iga

Contains foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as news about training of Dutch paratroopers, the Dutch merchant Navy, the queen and government of the Netherlands in London, an eyewitness account of the Battle of the Java Sea, an item on…

Magazine containing foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as: news about war progress; the Dutch Royal family; European resistance movements; why the German Blitzkrieg on Russia failed; Dutch flyers; church resistance; Malta surviving air…

Covers events in 1941 and 1942 describes allied successes as the month of the great turnaround. Includes Russian front, El Alamein, Operation Torch, naval operations, Japanese setbacks and allied war leaders.

Black book cover with title in Polish.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

A German marching song but also a love song to Erica.

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population
Page 1 outlines further reductions in civilian food rations in Germany and lists the causes. The second page compares the rationing experienced in World War 1 with that in World War 2.

Following an inspection, Comandante Luciano Scotti notes that works are falling behind the schedule and orders that the pace of delivery must increase. Provisions to be supplied by the Allied Mission.


A photograph of the crew of Halifax NA108 who successfully baled out over Montigny. There is French language text describing the men in the photograph, the location of the image at the police station at Donnemarie and two policemen. The text…

Describes German air force attack on the city on 14 November 1940 giving detail of civilian damage and casualties. Compares it with bombing of Genoa and Turin which it claims as military. Includes photographs of damage to Coventry.
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