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The leaflet addresses the Battle for Australia against the Japanese with General MacArthur’s appointment as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Australia and the Southwest Pacific. The Australian Prime Minister, John Curtin, announces successful…

Contains foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as news about training of Dutch paratroopers, the Dutch merchant Navy, the queen and government of the Netherlands in London, an eyewitness account of the Battle of the Java Sea, an item on…

Photographs of dead German soldiers and on the reverse 'Hitler Mathematik' with figures set out on a blackboard.

Two photographs, the first soldiers marching in the snow and the second soldiers lying dead in the snow. The translation reads his first campaign and his last. On the reverse is a list of obituary notices from the 'Die Woche' newspaper.

The article describes progress by the Soviet troops in Eastern Prussia on the way towards Köningsberg [Kalingrad]. It suggests the liberation of Norway has started with the occupation of the German base of Kirkenes on the Barents Sea and 30 further…

A leaflet dropped into Russian speaking territory by the RAF/USAAF


The Americans are said to have advanced 250 kilometres in 13 days, reaching the Loire near Nantes and cutting off Brittany. 13,300 German prisoners have been captured and 75,000 German troops cut off. Seven ships were destroyed by the allies. A…

On 27th July 1944, Moscow has made several announcements about railway hubs and places being captured in East Prussia: the Vistula has been crossed by the Red Army; Brest-Litovsk encircled and the German Northern army group cut off. On 26th July a…

Allied advances in Holland and France are discussed, including breaches of the Siegfried Line, involving allied armies and paratroopers. The German border has been crossed in four places. Germany still holds the channel ports and those in Brittany.…

Italian language newspaper


Hungary is one of the few countries still aligned with Germany despite widespread damage inflicted by Allied bombing: MAVAG works, Szolnok, Szob, Budapest East and South, Baja, Nyiregyhaza, Cegled, Miskolc, Szekesfehervar, Hatvan, Csap, Szatmar,…

President Roosevelt, speaking on behalf of the Allies, solemnly promises that all Holocaust perpetrators will be prosecuted. This applies not only to the leaders but to the ranks and file who carried out their orders, in Germany and elsewhere. Those…

Order establishing a military operations area. Includes the template of an official notice.


Report from Colonel Mario Fontana to Major Gordon Lett stressing the need of a closer cooperation among different forces operating in the area. Discusses allocation of air drops.


Report from Colonnello Mario Fontana to Major Gordon Lett regarding equipment needed for the partisan units, to be delivered by air drops. The list includes silencers for actions in urban areas, explosives, ammunition and items of clothing.


Circular letter announcing that Major Gordon Lett has been posted elsewhere. Thanks him for his service, recaps his achievements and wishes him well.


Details the expenditure incurred on the construction of the Casoni improvised air field. Out of the 60,000 Lire budget provided by Major John Henderson, 53,780 Lire was spent.


States that the Casoni improvised landing strip was completed yesterday (9 April 1945).


Major John Henderson has authorised the construction works to be suspended over Easter. On the following day only volunteers will be at work.


Comandante Luciano Scotti writes to Tenente Scaramuccia regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. The pace of delivery must be increased at any cost, with labourers working from 8am to 1pm on festival days.


Letter from Comandante Luciano Scotti to Comandante Bucchioni regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. Stresses that complaints regarding scarcity of supplies are wholly unjustified and the Allied Mission pays 100 Lire a day to…


Stresses that the Allied Mission pays 100 Lire a day to each labourer working at the Casoni improvised landing strip.


Comandante Luciano Scotti states that works are underway at the Casoni improvised landing strip despite the lack of suitable tools. Claims that the Allied Mission haven't sent supplies.


Reports on delays to the construction of the Casoni improvised landing strip: the specialist showed up only on the first day, never to be seen again and work is hampered by mud. Asks permission to suspend the works next Sunday and Monday, being…


Comandante Dany complains about the lack of suitable tools (eg only seven wheelbarrows are available) and the scarcity of food. A barrel of olive oil has been requisitioned as a temporary measure.


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