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  • Conforms To is exactly "Geolocated (cumulative polygon)"

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Munich Residenz gutted. Captioned between pages 66-67 of 1956 Memoir '[underlined] Munich [/underlined] after 5 Group of Bomber Command raid 24th April 1944 [written vertically down left hand side of page]'. On…

Target photograph showing city with river/canal middle left to top right. Caption '3936, CON 7/8.1.45//NT 8", 18000, 075 20.27.8 32 SECS, F/L WOOLNOUGH R97, MUNICH R'.

Photo is upside down; north is at the bottom. The river top left is the Isar,…

Vertical aerial reconnaissance photograph annotated 'Munich Report No K2091 Neg No 3090' and with a North arrow. No date. Photograph has been marked up to show bomb damage, with buildings outlined in black being those where the roof has been…

Reconnaissance photograph of Munich. Some buildings have been marked and annotated with numbers. The Frauenkirche is visible in the bottom right corner. Captioned '3139 106 W.218 3-5-44 F/36” // 540SQDN→ '.

Air-to-air view of a Lincoln VN-C flying past the Lincoln Cathedral, looking north. Captioned: '33 [underlined]ONE OF THE 50 SQDN'S LINCOLNS FLYING PAST. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL

An aerial oblique view of Lincoln Cathedral and the city. St.Giles school and the residential areas surrounding it can be seen to the left of the photograph. Lincoln Cathedral and Castle are visible in the direct centre, with Lincoln Crown Court…

Left page - Oblique aerial photograph of Lincoln cathedral.
Right page - nine airmen standing in front of the rear turret of a Lancaster with another Lancaster in the background. Captioned '1945 463 sqn'.

Oblique aerial photograph of Lincoln Cathedral from the east looking west.

Oblique aerial view of Lincoln Cathedral. On the reverse 'Leica Neg album P10 No ISA 28.8.45 1/300 f5.6'.

Oblique aerial photograph of the cathedral taken from south looking north.

Oblique aerial photograph of the cathedral taken from north looking south.

Aerial oblique photograph of Lincoln Cathedral, low angled, taken at very low altitude, camera pointing north east. Minster Yard, Priory Gate, Exchequer Gate are visible, no pedestrians or traffic visible except a bus, trees in full leaf, a group of…

An aerial vertical photograph of Lincoln, England. Annotated 9 Job 3423 F/5 5/7/44 Jones. Sparse cloud cover. North is towards the bottom of the picture. The centre of the city is to the left of the photograph, showing residential areas. To the top…

A vertical aerial photograph of Lincoln. The cathedral is marked with a circle.

A Lancaster flying low over Lincoln Cathedral. A starboard side air-to-air view from the rear, taken by a second aircraft.


Air to air view of Lancaster PM-R. In the background Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Castle and Bailgate area.

Oblique aerial photograph of bomb damage of the works. Captioned 'Krupps Essen. 3/1945'.

Low level oblique aerial photograph of the Krupps Works, Essen. Most buildings show signs of damage.

Heavily bombed Krupp works

An oblique aerial photograph of Krupps, Essen showing damage and captioned 'Bomb Damage Ruhr'.

An oblique aerial photograph of a large industrial complex to the south of the city of Lincoln. The industrial area to the top of the photograph became known as New Boultham, whereas the buildings in the centre, a mix of industrial and residential,…

Top - description of ijmiden operations by 617 Squadron 15 and 30 December 1944.
Middle - reconnaissance photograph showing coast and port with harbour wall and basins in built up area.
Bottom left - b/w photograph of boat pens before…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph of canals and locks. Multiple canal channels go from top left to bottom centre which are at the North Sea end of the Noordzeekanaal at Ijmuiden. There are various lock gates on each canal. There is a possible…

Oblique aerial photograph of Hamburg docks showing a destroyed port area with almost all buildings and facilities damaged. The spire of St Michels church is to left of centre and that of St Nikolai is to the right. In front of these, the large…

A low level aerial oblique photograph of Hamburg showing extensive bomb damage.
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