A document with the battle order for the squadron. It lists each aircraft and each crew member for operations that night. Annotated on it is 'Taken from the Sergeant's Mess kitchen copy which was used to mark off the "Egg and Bacon" meals. The…
A list of aircraft and aircrew prepared for an operation. Sergeant Crew is included as wireless operator in aircraft L.7566. The order is annotated 'cancelled'.
List ten crews and aircraft. Sergeant W E Foster is rostered as mid upper gunner in the ninth listed crew. Includes a spare aircraft and details other personnel to various duties.
Operation schedule number 45 for 5 February 1945. Details 15 crews with aircraft. David Sanders is third on the list in aircraft 'J' NG308. The last two crews and the standby crew are annotated 'missing'. Also detailed are duty personnel. No…
Lists aircraft details and crews for 467 Squadron's A and B flights on 24 April 1945. Derrick Allen is mid-upper gunner on the third crew down in A Flight. Also includes reserve and window crews and other operational details.
A collection of examination papers from Ted Neale's course (16) at 48 Air School. Papers on meteorology, astro theory, astro practical, procedure, dead reckoning theory, aircraft identification, signals procedure and photography.