Browse Items (2130 total)

  • Type is exactly "Text. Service material"

Pass for Mrs Banks to deal with Navy, Army and Air Force Institute grocery bar at RAF Feltwell.

Service in the Royal Air Force (25 April 1935 to 23 January 1948), then released as Temporary Flight Sergeant. Mentioned in despatches 14 June 1945. Contains dates of enlistment and discharge as well as personnel details, trade of photographer, his…

Contains personal and service information for James Banks
who enlisted for nine years of service 25 April 1935.
Includes leave pass for 13 April 1947 to 19 April 1947.

The service record of Sergeant Arthur Cushway, killed in action.

Harry Parkins' identity card issued on 10 December 1946. Details changes of rank from 1 July 1946 to 12 August 1949.

States physical fitness rating and swimming test for Derrick Allen.

Two telegrams requesting that Flight Sergeant Derrick Allen attend investiture with further instruction to follow. On the reverse of first 'P.D.C Cardington message received 1880966 Sgt Allen'. On the reverse of the second 'Offiver Commanding P.D.C…

Gives service dates and character statement.

ID card number 392759 made out for Sergeant Derrick John Allen.

Official war record of Benjamin Evans, service number 1031846

Lists aircraft details and crews for 467 Squadron's A and B flights on 24 April 1945. Derrick Allen is mid-upper gunner on the third crew down in A Flight. Also includes reserve and window crews and other operational details.

Welcome to the Royal Air Force and that selection for aircrew training is a great distinction. Explains how waiting list works and explains why he will have to wait. Encourages him to keep fit while waiting and to carry on with current job.

Account of night 2 November 1944. Sergeant Allen's Lancaster was attacked by night fighter after successful attack on Dusseldorf. Allen opened fire twice and damaged fighter but the Lancaster was badly damaged. Whilst Lancaster was in uncontrolled…

Gazetted on 6 March 1945, informs Derrick Allen that he will be awarded his medal by the King at an investiture at Buckingham palace on 12 March 1946. Goes on to discuss other relevant details concerned with investiture.

A certificate awarding Flight Sergeant Colin Wood the Path Finder Force Badge.

This item was provided, in digital form, by a third-party using technical specifications and operational protocols that may differ from those used by the IBCC Digital…

Notes taken during Colin Wood's training. They cover navigation, wireless, radar, meteorology, intelligence, geography and operations.


Service and release book of Colin Wood (2 March 1942 - 27 July 1946).

Engineer log completed by David Sanders for a sortie in Lancaster NG266 on 27 April 1945.

Operation schedule number 45 for 5 February 1945. Details 15 crews with aircraft. David Sanders is third on the list in aircraft 'J' NG308. The last two crews and the standby crew are annotated 'missing'. Also detailed are duty personnel. No…

Form for aircraft NG226 'J' for 27-4-45 with pilot Flying Officer Carter and flight engineer David Sanders.

Fuel consumption tables for aircraft up to 15,000 pounds, "M" or "S" gear, Merlin 20, 22, 24. Covered with various calculations in pencil


Lists 11 crews and aircraft with standby for special duty on 6 May 1945.

Commissioning scroll for Thomas Sayer dated 25 May 1944 as Flying Officer, signed 'George R.I.'.

Personal and service record details for Charles William Ward. Noted that he served at home and abroad in North Africa and was awarded the Africa Star with 1st Army clasp and the 1939/45 Star and provides a character reference. Release date 29 April…

Service record with personal details. Notes completed wireless operator training in May 1943 and then served in North Africa and Bari, Italy.
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