Browse Items (2130 total)

  • Type is exactly "Text. Service material"

List detailing 25 aircrews, headed, 'No.576 Squadron RAF Station Fiskerton, Order of Battle NO.290'.

A list of aircraft and aircrew prepared for an operation.

Battle order for 9/10 September 1944. List aircraft and crews for operations as well as duty personnel

A battle order for 6/7 December 1944 detailing aircrew and aircraft involved in the operation. The target was Merseburg synthetic oil plant.

A list of the 21 aircraft and crews that took part in the operation to bomb Westkapelle Dyke.
A second two page list is a draft of the first document, with handwritten annotations.

Two 83 Squadron Events.
The first is a Thanksgiving at Lincoln Minster and the second is a Dedication at Coningsby.

A battle order prepared for the squadron listing aircraft, code, crew, and operations,

Briefing notes for gunners for an attack on Hamburg marshalling yards.

Information for new recruits.

AM Pamphlet 130 giving guidance on expected behaviour, Leave, NAAFI health and work.

Front (both sides), rear cover and inside page with list of reasons for this booklet. On back side of rear cover some Morse code groups for punctuation. On the rear cover names with designated 'P' or 'N'.

This item is available only at the…

The blue cover with a price of twopence and two internal pages advising on the provision of prisoner's clothing, the sick and wounded, repatriation and protected personnel.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No…

A letter sent to KAL Killeen accepting him for training as a navigator in the RAF. Included is a protective plastic wallet.

A letter welcoming Jack into the RAF.

A letter welcoming a new airman into the RAF.

Contains details of Private Doreen Dayman date stamped 2 August 1945 and includes testimonial.

A brief report on the shooting down of an aircraft at Esbjerg. There is a list of the rounds of ammunition used at different locations.

A card defining cadets limits, on the reverse and cadet officer of the day, cadet in charge of quarters, hospital, special pass or furlough and open post.

Provides results of attacks on Mailly le Camp military depot and tank park 3/4 May, Clerment-Ferrand aircraft factory 29/30 April, Toulouse aircraft assembly works and Montaudran airfield 5/6 April and 1/2 May, Lyon Motor vehicle works 1/2 May,…

Accident report for Halifax II, 78 Squadron, pilot J Jenkinson. Notes port engine cut - petrol shortage. Captain could have landed earlier. Flt engineer must have misjudged [....], recommends no further action. Note with title and date.

A brief report with some details of Arthur's accident on a training flight.

A note to the Heliopolis Palace Hotel requesting accommodation for Dick Curnock.

Acknowledges receipt of commission form.


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