Browse Items (375 total)

  • Type is exactly "Map. Navigation chart and navigation log"

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Fulda.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Cologne.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Bottrop

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Dortmund.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Homburg.

A Canadian air chart covering the Indian Head and Brandon areas, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

An air chart covering the Swift Current and Regina area of Saskatchewan.

A Canadian aviation chart covering the Brandon and Winnipeg regions.

A brief description of the operation, his nav plot and a map showing the target.

A very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a map showing the target. There are also some newspaper clippings, one showing the damage to Stuttgart and others giving comments from bomber crew members when taking part in a raid…

A brief account of the daylight operation. Described as a P Plane base, a newspaper cutting refers to pilotless planes, the V 1. There is his navigation plot and a map showing the target.

A brief description of the op to a synthetic oil plant, reports being attacked by Me 109 and two Ju 88's, his navigation plot, a print of what the H2S return of the target should look like and a page, partly newspaper cuttings and partly a report of…

Six items covering operations around Caen. The first is Edward's description of the operation, against troop concentrations. The second is his navigation plot. The third is a print of the expected H2S return of the target. Fourth is a collection of…

Four items, the first a title page, the second Edward's navigation plot, the third a print of the expected H2S return and fourth part of an official report on the operation. This gives the number of aircraft taking part and their group, a weather…

Six items, first a brief description by Edward again using the term P plane to describe the V-1. Second is Edward's navigation plot, third is the expected H2S return over the target. Fourth and fifth are press clippings reporting damage to Flying…

Four items, Edward's brief description of the operation, the second his navigation plot, third is a map showing the target and fourth part of an official report of the operation. This includes the number and squadrons of the aircraft that took part,…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target, two press cuttings, one with the caption'Paris/Vaires marshalling yard devastation' showing the Vaires rail yard after the attacks,…

Six items, Edward's very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target. Two press clipping, captioned 'The result of Bomber Commands 12,000 lb bomb attacks on one of the Enemy's V.2 rocket sites'.…

Four items, Edward's description of the operation, he refers to the target as a P plane base, the operation report refers to it as a storage site, his navigation plot, a map of the area close to the target showing their track and the target. Part of…

Five items, Edward's description of the operation to bomb Panzer concentrations in woods, requested by Field Marshall Montgomery. As the operation was in daylight Edward was able to describe the scene not too long after D Day. There is also Edwards…

Four items, Edward's brief description, referring to P planes, reports being attacked by a Lancaster on the way home, his navigation plot, a map of the area near the target, a press cutting describing the days air activities mainly attacking V-1…

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, to marshalling yards at Montdidier, their own bomb aimer sick so took wing commander. Due to low cloud over target ordered to return with their bombs. Edward's planned navigation plot and a…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation their bomb aimer was sick so took replacement, quiet trip. Edward's navigation plot, and an indication of the H2S plot when over the target. There are two press clippings, the first has a…

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a press cutting with the caption 'Allies invade France', which describes some of the air activity in support of D Day.

Six items, Edward's description of the operation to the railway centre, commenting on the thunderstorms encountered, his navigation plot, the expected H2S plot of the target with their track marked, a press cutting captioned 'Wrecked locomotives at…
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