Browse Items (497 total)

  • Type is exactly "Text. Memoir"

Relates experience of pilot trying to get control of their Wellington which had iced up. Writes of trying to get front gunner out of his turret and putting his torch inside his clothing as he would need it to signal for assistance. Once pilot got…

The first of three chapters of Bill's wartime service.
There is a second copy with handwritten edits.

Memoir detailing a teenage girl's experiences of the war. The document details experiences of evacuation, the blackouts, sounds of the war during air raids and what they saw on the streets of Liverpool.

A handwritten account of the Lancaster ditching and subsequent rescue.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

A brief story about the crew of 'M for Mother'. It includes details of the crew and a photograph of the crew in flying kit at the nose of their aircraft.

A complicated story of how Hemmens was mixed with four aircrew who survived a Halifax crash. They were all arrested on their way to Paris. They were sent to Fresnes prison then Buchenwald where Hemmens died due to medical neglect.

An account of the crash of Lancaster ND533 written by Pierre Madry. It is followed by an address given by Air Commodore Eustace at a ceremony for the crew of the Lancaster.
Finally there is an address by Abbe Plante, parish priest of Lyons-la-Foret,…

Five men posing in front of a Wellington aircraft. At least four are in uniform and one, in the centre, is wearing a shirt. The man on the left is a Flying Officer and pilot, at the rear, right is an aircrew member and on the front right is a Flight…

Handwritten descriptions of two operations. One to lay mines in the River Danube, near Gyor in Hungary and the other to bomb Kalamaki Aerodrome near Athens in Greece.

The pastor describes the burial of prisoners and guards who were shot by low flying RAF aircraft. The pastor officiated at the burial with an English padre.
In the second part he describes damage to the cemetery during a bombardment from the other…

An operation to Essen with HE Batchelder pilot. Main force bombed Bonn but three aircraft from 102 Squadron were diverted to Essen to bomb using Gee. The aircraft was damaged and everyone baled out successfully. All were taken prisoner.

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Draft and final versions. Written by an instructor 20 AFS at RAF Swinderby with account of engine fire after take of in Wellington and successful emergency landing. Draft version had drawing of map of Swinderby on last page.

The end of Lancaster LM100, PO-D, at Thin, Charleville-Mézières, France 2/3 February 1945.

Chapter 8 - Overture and Beginners. Gives account of time on OTU at RAF Lossiemouth. Includes ground instruction, crewing up and description of station and training on Wellington. Writes about a fatal crash he sees and about some of his sorties.…
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