Browse Items (56 total)

  • Tags: 617 Squadron
  • Type is exactly "Text. Correspondence"

Message is a copy of Headquarters Bomber Command signal congratulating crews that their attacks on Le Havre and Boulogne succeeded in virtually destroying German naval assets in those harbours.

An invitation from Squadron Leader Mick Martin to the first squadron reunion.

From Headquarters 54 Base Coningsby. Letter covering Group Captain Christie's letter concerning Squadron Leader Campbell and Flight Lieutenant Fleming.

Transcription of letter from Ken Gill's pilot. Writes of snow clearing activities. Catches up with news of brothers and family's activities. Mentions recent snowy weather and a difficult flight when they had difficulty finding somewhere to land.…

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified most secret. Congratulates Cheshire on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order. Goes on to discuss bomb plots sent to Wallis. Concludes with statement on penetration depths of the new Tallboy bomb.…

Classified Secret on Vickers-Armstrong headed paper. Thanks Cheshire for lending him distribution chart for 617 squadron. Looking at revised probability data. Graphs sent to Director Bombing Ops.

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified secret. Write saying that he will send bombing charts at once.

From RAF Coningsby concerning 617 squadron working parades. Concludes with discussion on extensions to airmens' passes.

Request Cheshire gives lecture at RAF Aston Down and possible dates. Handwritten note 'unable to attend'.

From FCST RAF Aston Down requesting Cheshire to give lecture between 26 November and 1 December. Handwritten note 'Refused by letter - until further notice, 24-11-43.

Making arrangements for a Cheshire to visit Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough. Goes on to discuss aircraft navigation instrument problems with which RAE may help. Concludes with discussion of photographs and thanks for recent visit to…

From Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough provides information from experts at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough concerning trimming Mosquito VI to avoid sideslip. After technical explanation goes on to discuss fitting new artificial…

Writes that it would be impossible for Cheshire to make any arrangements. He would let Thomas know when things became easier. Address states Somerset, but now in Gloucestershire.

To FLS Aston down stating he would attend on 17 December subject to operational commitments.

To officer at RAF Film Production Unit unit.Thanks him for his letter and offer of cooperation and help.

Letter to Group Captain A C Evans Evans requesting he look into five electro-plated tankards which went missing on squadron move to RAF Woodhall Spa

States that he is now serving on a squadron which makes it impossible to make plans to be in touch or accept his invitation.

Letter to officer at RAF Film Production Unit thanking him for three films and expressing his appreciation.

States he has no vacancy at the moment but will have in a few days and writes he would like him then.

To chief engineer of Messier Aircraft Equipment Ltd thanking him for diary. Provides a pleasant memory of three years flying Halifax. Writes he is now flying Lancaster but hopes they can meet again.

To officer at Ministry of Aircraft Production thanking him for returning gloves and apologising that he was unable to call on him recently after a conference.
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