Three newspaper cuttings relating to a ferry plane crash. The individuals involved are named and the third article contains obituaries of the deceased.
A newspaper cutting reporting Winston Churchill on two wartime related issues. The first is about the continued threat from U-boats and the second an explanation about Britain's role in Syria.
Two newspaper cuttings.
#1 is titled 'Huns move RAF POW camp'. The move was to transfer POWs away from Russian operations.
#2 refers to the transfer of RAF men westwards for release. A handwritten note states 'E. Standard 17/5/45'.
A book kept by John during his internment as a POW. It has a comment made by Churchill when he was a POW, a poem to Bomber Command by Noel Coward, signatures of fellow POWs, notes on his early days as a POW, rations (not always received) and a list…
A formal record of statements made at their conference, the previous evening. POWs are being denied their freedom, food is inadequate and overcrowding is an issue. The Russians have refused to allow the evacuation of British and American POWs.
As a…