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  • Language is exactly "ita"

Both sides of a 100 Drachma note. The note has Italian text and was issued by Italy to occupied Greece.

A ticket authorising the holder to be allowed out after curfew in order to attend a dance.

The interviewee reminisces about her wartime experiences in the Voghera countryside, at the time when her three brothers where enlisted and how difficult it was for her parents to run the farm. She remembers how she narrowly escaped an aircraft…

On a clear day, a convoy of seven Regia Marina destroyers is under attack by five Royal Navy vessels on the horizon. Four of the Royal Navy units have been hit and are engulfed in flames while a fifth ship is sailing on the horizon. Explosions are…

The Italian destroyer "Vivaldi" firing torpedoes in rough seas.

Label reads “55”; signed by the author; caption reads “ 2 Il “Vivaldi” è a 5800 metri dai piroscafi e a 5000 metri dai caccia di scorta il “Malocello” è alla stessa…

Inside the magazine of the Vivaldi, an engineer in dirty blue trousers, a naval shirt and with a helmet on his head is holding a hose pipe and trying to extinguish a raging fire with water.

Label reads “56”; signed by the author; caption…

On calm seas, the destroyers Vivaldi and Malocello exchange salvos with HMS Foresight (H68). The three vessels are engulfed in flames and black smoke is billowing upwards. Shells are exploding in the water near the Italian destroyer on the left of…

The destroyer Vivaldi rams the HMS Oswald (N58). Black smoke is billowing out of the main funnel.

Label reads “58”; signed by the author; “5… una delle precedent azioni dell‘eroico CCTT, lo speronamento del sommergibile inglese…

On a clear day and in turbulent seas, the Vivaldi is engulfed in flames and black smoke. Figures in uniforms are trying to escape in three lifeboats that have been launched. Two figures are on deck trying to put out the flames using a hosepipe and a…

On a clear day and in a calm sea, the destroyers Malocello and Vivaldi are manoeuvring. The vessel in the middle has been badly damaged and is engulfed in flames. Figures can be seen on deck. The vessels on the horizon have also been hit and flames…

During the night, the destroyer Vivaldi sails in rough seas around a peninsula. The land is very barren with only a few wooded areas and some white houses near to the seashore.
Label reads “61”; signed by the author; caption reads “8……

In a prison cell, a man covered in blood and chained to the wall is being tortured by three fascists in military uniform. Irons are being heated up in a brazier in the centre of the room. Bloody hand-prints are visible on the walls amongst…

The leaflet has two maps of Cairo and adverts for holidays, restaurants, a book on Cpyrus [sic], language books and Arabic, French and Italian phrases.

Members of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea are clearing the rubble and debris of a severely damaged terraced building. Another broken wall is visible on the right of the picture. A woman and a young girl are stopped by one of the men on the…

The log covers three years, from 10 June 1940 to August 1943. Initial notes are about civil defence preparedness: posters with black-out instructions are issued, shelters are set up. The first alarm is logged on 22 June 1940, followed by only two…

Covers a time frame of two weeks: alarms are reported nearly every day.

Covers a time frame of two months, with some additional notes about events in spring of 1945. In July, several bombings are logged, while in August they diminish to just three. Notes end on 5 September 1944, three days before the front reaches the…

After 8 September 1943, early warnings continue for two days, but nothing is logged until 21 September. Only five bombings are noted, while early warnings decreasing considerably. In October bombings are again on the increase and Pistoia is bombed…

Major Gordon Lett reports to Colonnello Mario Fontana about air drops, including additional notes on operational procedures and an overall assessment of the military situation in the area.


A screaming naked man is suspended across a cell by ropes tied around his wrists, looped over a hook on the wall, and his ankles, looped through the bars of a window. The rope threaded through the window is held by a uniformed figure. A bucket is…

Three One Lira notes, three Two Lira notes, one Five Lira note and one Ten Lira note.

In a barn full of animals, an exchange of gun fire is taking place between fascists disguised as partisans and civilians. The soldier in the foreground has been badly shot and another soldier is running out through the barn doors.


An enormous explosion is occurring above a built-up area. Buildings are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown into the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “HJROSHIMA E NAGASAKI 5-9 Agosto 1945.…

An enormous fireball is expanding above a built-up area, surrounded by rings of smoke. Building are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown up in the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “(2)… alla…

While fire is engulfing the town, a mushroom-shaped fire-ball and smoke rise into the sky.

Inscriptions read “312”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3)… Poi sopra la palla di fuoco, apparve una colonna incandescente di colore rosso…
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