Browse Items (287 total)

  • Language is exactly "deu"

Contains very little information other than that entered when initially issued. Has his photograph and a print of one finger.

German newspaper article about the memorial to Peter Jenkinson's crew. Ceremony in Michelbach to honour Karl Frauhammer’s memorial to seven fallen English aircrew. Speeches made by British military attaché, Air Commodore General Martin; Mayor…

Top - a photograph of a stone memorial with plaque, crest and aircraft cut-out with metal railing in front with aircraft plaque, On the right a man wearing check shirt standing.
Middle - note mentions that Karl Frauhamer was the inspiration behind…

A series of Luftwaffe engagement reports, some in German, some translated concerning the attacks on a four engined bomber in the early hours of 18 December 1944 probably Henry Wagner's Halifax.

Gives personal details and has head and shoulders photograph. Notes at Stalag Luft 3, Oflag IX A.

Public transport map of Berlin from September 1945. From information provided by the donor. Obtained by Peter on a post war Cooks Tour visit.

Map showing north Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, part of Belgium and France. Goes east to include Poland and parts of Lithuania. Symbols on map with legend on reverse. Symbols are of German air force aviation objects and defensive systems.

Account from 2003 in German and English of research started in 1997. Shows aerial photo of crash site. Excavations in 1999 discovered parts of aircraft and remains of crew which were then buried in Berlin war cemetery in year 2000. Reports…

Black and white map with Oranienburg just above centre. Black dot indicating Lancaster crash site between villages of Lehnitz and Schmachtenhagen.

Similar to the leaflets dropped by John Allnutt and his crew during their training at 27 OTU.

Luftwaffe dropping fake leaflets
Goebbels-Henriot producing fake leaflets, such as counterfeit ‘Le Courrier de l’Air’ newspapers, dropped…

Evacuation map for German occupation forces in Greece and Albania, highlighting an area which cannot be evacuated.

Leaflet, distributed by RAF and USAAF, mocks Hermann Göring’s quotation (19th July 1940) in which he praises their good fortune…

German language leaflet. On the reverse times and frequencies from Cairo, Bari and middle Mediterranean. Delivered by RAF and USAAF.


A wallet containing cards with phrases in useful languages.

Notebook issued in Berlin in 1933 but used by J R Lee. Contains banknote, German text, handwritten annotations, identity document for a German man, German stamps, English and Scottish addresses, some telephone numbers. At the end a list of James…

Handwritten translation of original Germany reporting her request for information about the shooting down and death of her father. Writes that crew were buried on 6 December 1943 is St Anne's (?) Cemetery. They were shot down by a night fighter on 3…

The postcard is sent from a Prisoner of War camp from Sid to his sister, Josey.

Six sheets of German food tokens.
Cheese, Bread, Food, Bread, Food and Cheese.
Date of Expiry 6.2.44


List of the graves of soldiers and civilians who fell or died during the 1939-1945 war. Includes six RAF crew with two registered as unknown.

A 5 Mark banknote.

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

Alan Green's prisoner of war record with his personal details.

Alan talks about issues with the family building firm.

Alan writes he has received letter from family and friends but also bad news about Ruth's mother.

Alan writes that more letters have been arriving. He asks about his Caterpillar Club badge. He is losing a lot of hair but is fit.

Alan has moved to a different camp. He has had news that his friend, Pip is missing. He has been reading a lot. He asks for an Oxford Concise Dictionary.
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