Writes from RAF El Ballah, Egypt. Mentions letter had been finally been received from Vic. Catches up with news. Envious that Rosser was going back to old job and wished he could have the opportunity to fly with him. Describes a little of life in…
Writes just to let him know he is still in circulation and has little news. Writes about his 'staying in camp business' and how fit he feels as a result. Reminisces over past events and mentions his Flying Officer had come through. Says he is trying…
Apologises for taking so long to write and asks how things are with Vic. Mentions possible future meetings. Complains about his job and reminisces for old days and comments on returning to ops.
Writes about shopping to get kitted out. Mentions that he enjoyed meeting Vic in York. Mentions exhibiting in his new uniform. Asks his love to be passed on and that he was looking forward to an early return to Oxford. Sends best wishes.
Writes that he has been very busy and asks how Rosser is getting on. Comments on girl friends/partners. Mentions how he was on standby for 1000 raids but was not called for which he though was just as well as two of his friends were lost (Cologne and…
Relates history of his recent postings and that he was happy at Morpeth as it was near his home and girlfriend even though he would have liked to joined Rosser. Asks how things are with him. Mentions he has leave coming and describes some of his…
Writes that he had received news of Rosser and letter was attempt relieve browned off feelings. Comments that his course would shortly be over and he could leave that awful place and hopes he could join Rosser at his Operational Training Unit Tells…
Writes complaining about the state of the war. Mentions casualties and their effect on him and others. Describes the crash that killed Sergeant Ian Hay (748459). Comments on incorrect news about himself but he was obviously still alive.
Writes complaining about his current location goes on with gossip about various people there. Mentions he had done nothing recently and continues to complain about his situation. Envelope is covered with handwritten flying hours calculations.
Writes that he would be unable to get to York as planned. Mentions his new training on signal and voice which was keeping him at his work location. Mentions AOC visit causing issues.