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- Creator is exactly "K J B Smith"
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1944 pocket diary
Personal items for Kenneth Smith. Entries for daily activities in January when he joined up and was posted to St John's Wood in London. Last entry 22 January. Notes family birthdays but no other entries until one on 9th November with note of intake…
Tags: training
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his sister
Thanks her for smokes. Asks what sort of Christmas she had had.. Says he could not go to Retford as here were no buses on Christmas day. Relates that Peg sent him a parcel with cake and other things. Mentions that his Canadian navigator had just got…
Tags: RAF Blyton
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his sister
Comments on her medical issues. Continues with family and friends news and gossip. Wishes he had his little car on the station like some others. Continues to describe being lonely as there was only one other person in his hut and very few on camp.…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his sister
Thanks her for something sent that arrived on his birthday, his first away from home. Discusses what else she might get him. Mentions his plans for celebration entertainment. Discusses radio programmes he had heard which made comment about the RAF.…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his brother
Apologises for not having written recently. Comments on brothers fountain pens numbers and his activities with cadets. Asks if he had done any live firing yet. Comments on his progress at school and says there is nothing he could get him. Mentions he…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Thanks her for parcel which arrived in good condition. Explains why it was a long time since he had written due to lack of envelopes and money to buy stamps. Describes local beaches and asks he to send him his other white flashes. Continues with…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Comments on speed of mail. Mentions food on journey and describes local area and course colleagues. Mentions "D" day and that he had just about heard about the invasion. Comments that they had no wireless and they did not seem to have access to…
Tags: RAF St Athan
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his family
Comments journey to RAF Locking and his new accommodation in wooden hut with 75 other men. Writes that he had brought everything apart from his identity discs and asks if they can look for them. Describes the disc to help them look. Also says he…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his family
Writes that he was off duty after church. Says that he had received his uniform and after alterations was now wearing it. Lists some of the equipment he has been issued with. Writes about air raid and going to shelter. Gives short description of his…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Writes that when he arrived in Retford he was met by Mary. Describes activities and having bad cough. Continues with description of journey back to base. Includes drawing of cow in barn.
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Writes that his base is quite good and about 10 miles from Grimsby. Writes about his journey by train with all his kit of which he had a lot. Mentions that it was easier to get home than from previous stations. Comments on finances and heavy mess…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Letter included with parcel of washing and explains why. Had tried to do some of his own washing but unsuccessful as camp water was too cold. Continues with chat about kit. Mentions he had a good crew, all Canadians with two commissioned officers.…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Thanks her for parcel of washing and pad of writing paper. Comments on family financial issues. Mentions film he had seen. Catches up with news of friends. Asks if anything had happened about the car and wished he had one there as the bus service was…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Just arrived at new station which he says is extremely muddy. Speculates on getting a 48 hour pass when he had accumulated sufficient flying hours. Mentions being close to Gainsborough. Asks if she could send him a kit bag lock as he has a bag full…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Catches up on mail received and mentions feeling bad about not writing to a friend. Asks her to get him a toothbrush and apologises for constantly asking for things and says he will pay for them. Complains that they could not get anything locally and…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Complains about lack of letters. Mentions having bank holiday off and tells story of colleague having girlfriend visit with a friend who he went out with. Describes girl and going for a meal and pictures. Tells story of their evening, night and next…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Writes about a flying bomb in Northampton. Mentions possible holiday/leave arrangements. Catches up with news of friends and correspondence. Mentions books sent. Asks for more writing materials. Mentions having scared off a girl from Weston.
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Thanks her for lovely parcel and contents. Comments on medical issue. Apologizes for lack of letters but had been 'genning up' for a recent board. Failure to reach a certain percentage meant having to transfer to the army. Describes how board…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Envelope is stamped 'RAF Censor 710'. Comments on letters crossing in the post and on the weather. Mentions that food and camp are good and on large size of camp cinema. Mentions not getting newspapers but now having wireless installed so they could…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Thanks her for letter and padlock. Says he was glad he had had a car as the basic training on engines came easily to him unlike many of his course mates. Writes a little about the organisation of the camp and his classes. Mentions classes in hangars,…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Writes about his colleagues going into Weston-super-Mare by bus. Mentions only getting late pass once a week. Writes a little about the local village. Talks about making friends with a French boy and describes him in detail. Writes about selling his…
Letter from Kenneth Smith to his mother
Thanks her for letter card but says he does not have discs but is not in trouble over them. Comments on recent kit inspection and missing a groundsheet which he probably left at home. Writes about going into Weston and visiting the pier and describes…