Browse Items (1957 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Great Britain. Royal Air Force"

Vertical aerial photograph showing floodwater from the breeched Eder Dam surrounding buildings and covering roads. Reverse of image annotated '17-5-43 Affoldern (Eder) Eder Dam flooding'.

Vertical aerial photograph showing fields, forest, roads, two areas of buildings and floodwater. Remains of bridges visible in the floodwater. Reverse of the image annotated 'Affoldern (Eder Dam) 19-5-43'.

Fourteen men, 11 in sportwear and three officers arranged on three rows. The man seated on the ground holds a football and has two presentation cups sat on the ground in front.


'No. S. of T.T. (Apprentices) R.A.F. Halton. 'B'…

Personal details and qualities, dates of service, courses attended and decorations awarded, of aircraft fitter Flight Sergeant Trevor Blewitt. Confirms Trevor's date of discharge as 5 October 1953 following 24 years service.

This item was sent to…

A group of airmen march past a saluting officer. Aircraft are parked on the airfield behind the parade including an Oxford, B-24 and C-47.

Two officers in uniform standing on opposite sides of a table covered with the union flag. The officer on the left is presenting a framed picture of the communication squadron badge to the officer on the right. A fighter aircraft is visible in a…

An officer in uniform standing outside holding a framed picture of the badge (crest) and motto of the Fighter Command Communication Squadron. The reverse of the print is annotated [indecipherable].

Seven officers in uniform standing to attention on an airfield. The officer on the left of the line up has a framed picture in his left hand. The officer at the front is saluting. A fighter aircraft can be seen in one of the hangars in the…

Letter thanking the College of Arms for the design of a badge for the Fighter Command Communication Squadron. Wing Commander Ramsay states that he has sent the design to the Commander in Chief for approval.

RAF form 642 with brief details about Denis' service record.

RAF form 64 issued to Denis with brief information on his service in the RAF.


A log book kept by Denis during his service in the RAF between 12 June 1942 and 9 October 1942.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire but a river is visible at the top right.
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Hanover. No ground detail is visible due to flares and anti-aircraft flashes.
It is captioned ' 2901 PCK 22/23-9-43 // NT 8" 19000--> 130 M 2143 Hanover RD. X. 2 x 1000 5 x 4 6 x 30 37…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operations at Meulan Les-Mureaux. The railway on the south side of the Seine is clearly visible. It is captioned '4128 PCK 2/3:3:44 // NT 8" 8500' --- 090T 0314 Meulan RD. 5 x 1000 9 x 500 18 secs…

Two vertical aerial photographs taken during an operation at Trappes.
The first is captioned '4156 PCK 6/7:3:44// NT 8" 12300' --- Trappes RD 6 x 1000 9 x 500 S/L Millson F/102'.
The second is captioned ' 4155 PCK 6/7:3:44 // NT 8" 12300' --- 159M…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Dusseldorf. No detail is visible due to light from flares, searchlights and anti-aircraft fire.
It is captioned '3534 PCK 3/4:11:43 // NT 8" 16500' --- 1950 059M Dusseldorf RD. Q. 2 x…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a mine-laying operation.
It is captioned ' 4295 PCK 22/23 .3.44 //NT 8" 14500' --- 271T 2123. Gardening. E. 2x1500 s3 secs S/L Millson L/102'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Kassel Rail Depot.No ground detail is visible and the image is obscured by flares.
It is captioned '3485 PCK 22/23:10:43 // NT 8" 16000'--- Kassel RD. Z. 2 x 1000 8 x 4 3 x 30 S/L…

Two vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation.
The first is captioned '4343 PCK 26/27:3:44//NT 8" 12500' ---184M 2102. Courtrai RD E 5x1000 10x500 24 secs S/L Millson L/102' There are two shadows of aircraft in the centre of the…

Denys Oliver Street’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 22 April 1941 to 29 March 1943, detailing his training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at USAAF Miami (Oklahoma) (3 British FTS), RAF Grantham (12 PAFU), RAF…

A vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left
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