Browse Items (22 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Great Britain. Air Ministry. Casualty branch"

Expressing regret that his son, Sergeant Ronald 'Ron' Charles Wood, mid upper gunner, 1812663, had been confirmed missing and providing details of the air operation on that night.

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Requesting that she confirms that no news of Reg has been received before he is confirmed as having died.

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Concerns the removal of her son Reg's grave from the cemetery on St. Trond to the British Cemetery at Louvain, together with those of his crew, for better care and maintenance. Provides location details of his new grave and advises that a photograph…

Part of a letter informing that her son died as a result of air operations. Advising that one of the three unidentified crew members had been found and buried.

Mentions that his son had previously been reported missing and while no news of him had come to hand a report regarding two of his crew had been received from the red cross. Flight Sergeant R K Yeulett was captured and Flight Lieutenant G Russell…

Informs her that her husband was missing as a result of air operations on night of 17/18 August 1943 when a Lancaster in which he was flying as an air gunner set out to bomb Peenemunde and was not heard from again.

Informs her that action had been taken to presume, for official purposes that her husband had lost his life on 18 August 1943.

Informs her that the Royal Air Force missing research organisation had reported that the area of the Kolpin-See had been visited for the purpose of locating her husband's grave without success. States that commemoration would now be made at Royal Air…

Informs her that the RAF missing research and enquiry service in Germany had recently reported details of the fate of his aircraft and crew. The area of the aircraft crash was identified no trace of any graves were found and it had to be assumed that…

Informs him that action had now been taken to presume, for official purposes, that his son had lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Informs him that information from German records states that the aircraft in which his son was flying was shot down at Dongeren (Gelderland) and that the crew were buried in Epe near Zwolle.

States that although he had previously been notified that his so was missing and there was no further news, they had received information from German authorities that another member of his son's crew lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Informs him that in view of information received from the red cross, his son was now s believed to have lost his life on the night 12/13 June 1944. No information was received about the place of burial and he would be recorded as missing believed…

Informs him that his son was missing in as a result of air operations on the night of 12/13 June 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was flying as air bomber set out to bomb Gelsenkirchen and failed to return. Includes a notice of advice to the…

Informs her that no further news news concerning him or any member of his crew had been received. Informs her that RAF missing research and enquiry service would be established to pursue enquiries for all RAF personnel reported missing.

Reports that his son Sergeant Ronald Leslie Gard was missing as a result of air operations on the night 14/15 February 1945 when the Lancaster in which he was flying as rear gunner failed to return. Enquiries were being made through the International…

Informs her that information had been received through the Red Cross that her her husband was a prisoner of war.

Writes that in view of the lapse of time and absence of any news of her son, that they regretfully conclude that he had lost his life.

The letter informs Mrs Cahir that her son is a prisoner of war.

The letter addressed to Geoff's father is from the Air MInistry (Casualty Branch). It advises him that his son has been captured and a copied letter was read out by Lord Haw Haw on the radio. He asks for lots of letters and reports he is well.

Informs her that her prisoner of war son has been promoted to the rank of flight sergeant form 28 August 1943 and warrant officer from 28 August 1944.
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