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  • Creator is exactly "Brian Walley"

A poem about Brian's life and love.

Brian looking back on his life, in verse.

Letters to Mair and his parents, plus an explanation about why he signed letter Dick Morris.

A note referring to his book.
'See page 100-1, Sole Survivor. Mail -lifeline to lost ones.
A bit of a hiccup arising from no letters from Mair. All put right when I got home. See poem on Mair Fy Nghariad.'

A poem about Brian's life in the RAF and after marrying Mair. They bought a farm in Australia.

He reports he has received a letter from her. He looks forward to spending time with her when he returns.

He has moved camps and has met a Welsh man from Aberystwyth

He has now received mail from Mair. He is singing in a Welsh choir.

He still has had no letters from Mair. He says this will be his last mail unless he hears from her.

He has had no recent letters and asks her for more photos.

He hasn't had a letter from her for over four months. Mair has visited his home and was seen by his family, who approve.

He repeats his request for a photo. He has been studying agriculture. He sends his best wishes to her family and love to Mair.

He thanks he for a letter received. He asks her to fatten up a duck for Christmas dinner. He has been playing a lot of sport. He sends his love.

He apologises for not writing more and asks for a photograph.

He thanks he for her photo. He has been boxing and wrestling. He talks about domestic issues.

He writes affectionately to Mair but says he is a prisoner till the end of the war.

He complains he has not received any letters but has started work on the vegetable garden. The swimming pool will be opened in May. He is learning Welsh.

The card contains news of letters received, his selection for the Welsh Polo and swimming teams. He has grown mushrooms.

He has many letters from home. He complains that Mair has only sent 10 letters in 21 months. Camp activities are water polo, vegetable gardening and theatre. He talks about going to Australia to check farming.

He has received 12 letters in a week. He explains the circumstances of the death of his crew members in the dinghy, the Red Cross had been asking him.

He has been receiving mail from home and friends. He is still talking about taking up farming.

He has received 30+ letters and a third clothing parcel. He hopes to go travelling once he gets out then take up farming in one of the colonies.

He has still had no mail from home. He is in good health and morale.

He mentions he has not received any mail. One of his colleagues made a cake but it turned soft and they called it a pudding.
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