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Cutting wedding cake
Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and bride cutting wedding cake. On the reverse 'Mum and Fred cake'.
Tags: aircrew; love and romance; pilot
Wedding photograph
Bride with bouquet and groom wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet standing in the middle of a group consisting of other two further couples, both men in RAF uniform. In the background another older couple coming through church door. On the…
Tags: aircrew; love and romance; pilot
Frederick Sawyer's wedding
Bride and groom, an RAF flight sergeant wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and his bride with a bouquet standing in front of a stone build church. On the reverse 'Fred and Mum, Apr 29 1944 wedding'.
Tags: aircrew; love and romance; pilot
Wedding photograph
Group of people including three servicemen in uniform including the groom, the bride and two other ladies accompanying the other airmen and two older couples. On the reverse 'Mr Sawyer, Nanna, Audrey Inman, Fred, Mum, Rusty, Margaret (Person) Henty,…
Tags: aircrew; love and romance; pilot
Letter from Air Ministry to Fredrick Sawyer's wife
Informs her that in view of the lapse of time and the absence of further news regarding her husband, they must regretfully concludes that he had lost his life.
Transporting wood
A cart with unhewn wood driven by a man and pulled by two horses. Beyond the cart are trees, utility poles, a car and buildings with an advertising board for Coca Cola.
Tags: animal
Horses and carts
People traveling in two open carts pulled by horses. The road is tree lined with wooden houses with verandas.
Tags: African heritage; animal
Five photographs - American football
Top left - view of team lined up on playing field. Man in sailors hat in front of camera.
Top righty - crowd on the playing field spectators beyond.
Middle - marching band on the playing field,
Bottom left - view across playing field to spectators…
Top righty - crowd on the playing field spectators beyond.
Middle - marching band on the playing field,
Bottom left - view across playing field to spectators…
Tags: sport
Three photographs - American football
Left - View across stadium with teams on playing field. Captioned 'taken at Athens Georgia, October 28th 1942'.
Top right - view of spectators at game.
Bottom right - view of spectators and playing field.
Top right - view of spectators at game.
Bottom right - view of spectators and playing field.
Tags: sport
Americus Georgia
Top left - a man sitting at table inside a room writing. Captioned 'the boys write home'.
Top centre - a large white building with columned portico and domed roof. Captioned 'Methodist church Americus'.
Top right - a man sitting at table in barrack…
Top centre - a large white building with columned portico and domed roof. Captioned 'Methodist church Americus'.
Top right - a man sitting at table in barrack…
Tags: African heritage; training