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  • Coverage is exactly "United States Army Air Force"

Four photographs captioned 'The Luftschiffbau Zepplin works at Friedrichshafen'. They show the same area over a period of time beginning in February 1943 and shows the works being camouflaged and eventually destroyed by bombing. The second page of…

Vertical aerial photographs showing on the left an industrial area with roads and buildings and on the right the same area with most of the structures destroyed. Explanatory text underneath 'Zeitz. The left hand photograph shows this synthetic oil…

Front view of aircraft engine and propeller, captioned, 'Number Three Nacelle with Bird-Plug. Wright R3350 Engine and Hamilton Standard Hydraulic Prop'. The engine is not running. Buildings and further aircraft can be seen in the background.


Part of a three storey wooden building in the left foreground with pilots gathered informally in front. Water tower and cloud formation in the background.

Photograph 1 is a street view captioned 'Looking East on Pacific Avenue, Long Beach'.
Under a caption of 'With the "35th" Bombing Squadron, R.A.F., in Southern California. The following is a pictographic review of your activities and recreation…

Fifteen airmen wearing flying suits and helmets stand and sit around a group of buildings by a runway on which there is a Stearman. There is a car parked to one side.

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

An air-to air photograph of Vultee Valiant 10099.


Air-to-air view of a single engine low wing monoplane with single pilot in front cockpit. Aircraft number '0893'. Captioned 'BT 13, Gunter Field, Montgomery, Alabama, May 1942'.


Five aircraft on a grass airfield with buildings and hangars beyond. labeled'M-38-Visiting ships, showing part of barracks and part of hangars. Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Al.' and 'photo by southeast air corp training center'.

Three United States officers and one Royal Air Force officer standing behind the tail of a B-17. From left to right Brigadier General Curtis LeMay, Air Vice Marshall the Honourable Ralph Cochrane, Lieutenant General Spatz, Colonel Kimmel. On the…

Air Vice Marshall Cochrane greeting Lieutenant General Spaatz as he gets out of B-17, followed by Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle and Brigadier General MacDonald. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 1 Cam 1, 51:46'. Additional information about this…

Group of six officers standing by the tail of a B-17. US 8th Air force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz being greeted. From left to right Leonard Cheshire, Air Commodore J Jordan, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Group of six officers standing on an airfield. Visit of US 8th Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz. From left to right Group Captain Philpott (Station Commander RAF Woodhall Spa), Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General…

Group of nine United States and Royal Air Force officers standing on an airfield. In the background left a hangar and centre a Lancaster. From left to right Squadron Leader David Shannon, [Air Commodore Jordan], Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Four officers standing in a group, In the background left two cars and centre a hangar. From left to right Lieutenant General Spatz, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Air Commodore Jordan, unidentifiable. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 8 cam 1, 51:51'.

View looking forward between the flight positions through the nose of a B-29. The interior is very dark; three instrument dials can be seen on the port side station, with the right hand of the pilot visible on the control column. The aircraft is…

Side view of an airborne Lockheed Ventura.


Two silhouettes of a Vengeance. On the reverse 'Vengeance I'.
#1 is a port side view.
#2 is an underside view.

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation their bomb aimer was sick so took replacement, quiet trip. Edward's navigation plot, and an indication of the H2S plot when over the target. There are two press clippings, the first has a…

Covers a wide variety subjects including the details of life at the base and the progress of the war in the SW Pacific.

PGeorgeDB1710 copy.jpg
A medal awarded by the US Army to a marksman. Underneath are three bars for Pistol-D, Aerial Bomber and Aerial Gunner.

Top left - view from road of snow covered landscape with trees. Captioned 'Border Country, Vanceboro, Maine'.
Top right - view of two story white barracks captioned 'Barracks, Turner Field, Georgia'.
Bottom - alligators in pool, captioned…


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