Browse Items (511 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "United States Army Air Force"

Front page of military newsheet, Series 10 Issue 1. Two cents. Covering world wide military activity. Leading articles cover advances by the allied forces in North Africa and Russian successes in the East. Shorter reports on attacks on the Japanese…


Photo 1 captioned 'View of Sleeping Bunks', shows three tiers of bunks.
Photo 2 captioned 'Table and Bench Seat' shows two men at the table, one seated.
Photo 3 is of a church, captioned 'Converted Hut by Russian POW for Worshipping'.
Photo 4 is…

A pennant for the 40th anniversary of D Day. On the front are the flags of UK, USA, Canada and France. On the reverse a landing craft and 'Normandy France 1944-1984 June 6th 1944 - First Day of the French Liberation by the Allied Forces'.

Six page document courtesy of the late Allen White - 44 Squadron Historian. Reproduces narratives from three 44 Squadron crews involved in the operation. Overall the operation lost 37 crews from 120 launched against Wesserling oil refinery near…

A newspaper cutting with reports on USAAF and RAF operations. On the reverse is general news.

Five airmen, wearing leather jackets, stand in a row alongside a Stearman with others beyond. The man in the centre wears a side cap and has his arms around the shoulders of the other men.

A card defining cadets limits, on the reverse and cadet officer of the day, cadet in charge of quarters, hospital, special pass or furlough and open post.

Nine photographs from an album. Starting at top left:
#1 is a view of a volcano with a smoke plume.
#2 is an oblique aerial view of Stromboli.
#3 is an oblique aerial view of an island. A beach with surf can be seen, as can the outline of the…

At dinner held to commemorate 30th anniversary of VE Day on 10 May 1975 at RAF Club, London. Starts with greetings sent and toasts proposed by unidentified men. Present are Lord Boothby, Sir Athur Harris, and Air Marshall Broom. Starts with speech by…

An air to air view of the port side of a P-38 Lightning.
On the reverse is handwritten 'P.38 (Lightning) USAAF. Taken just off the coast of Sicily'.


Five newspaper clippings, four with captions, illustrate the damage done to the infrastructure in support of the allied ground forces.
The first captioned 'Our armour moves inland from the beaches of Normandy'. This shows part of the beach with…

A chapel with spire with trees and cars parked alongside. To the left are three barrack style buildings amongst a series of utility poles.


B-29 on the right (Betty Marion), light paint scheme Lancaster in the centre and Avro York on the left all lined up on airfield hard-standing with many spectators walking in front.

Cover and three pages of book: foreword, list of illustrations and one page with photograph and details of a Curtiss C-46.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

Top - a single engine high wing monoplane parked outside a hangar. Captioned 'Stinson Reliant at hangar No 3'.
Bottom left - view of a hangar with car front left with people, In the distance a flight-line with Stearman biplanes. Captioned 'Hangar no…

Vertical air to ground view of an airfield parking pan running top left to bottom right. Airfield buildings are also shown. Parked on the pan are Lancaster, B-29, C-57, Northrop P61, B-17 and Lockheed Constellation as well as other aircraft.…

Five photographs, all in flight, first is of a B 26 Marauder, second is of a 419 Squadron Wellington Z1572, Q-VR, third is of a 35 Squadron Halifax. Fourth is of a 447th BG B-17G, fifth is of a Lancaster ED58?.

The photograph on the left of the left page shows wreckage of a United States military aircraft with the caption "THE DUMP-TURNER".
The top right photograph on the left page shows a group of men and women standing outside a building.
The bottom…

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US Navy and UK aircrew waiting. On the reverse 'Hanging round flight [indecipherable] ready for "hops". '

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is the apron of an airfield with many aircraft parked.
#2 is a port side view of two Mustangs
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