Browse Items (221 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht"

Describes German air force attack on the city on 14 November 1940 giving detail of civilian damage and casualties. Compares it with bombing of Genoa and Turin which it claims as military. Includes photographs of damage to Coventry.

The reflection was inspired by the account of the murder of an airman on initial capture having baled out over Germany in 1944-45.

Quotes from Eden, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Goebbels and notice on treatment of German prisoners of war by German staff HQ.

Top - Ronnie Churcher wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons sitting in the right hand seat of the cockpit of a Vickers Viking (VC1) looking back. Submitted with description 'S/Ldr Ron Churcher seated in an aircraft cockpit'.
Bottom - a…

Crowd, some in uniform, around car in street, with houses in the background and car in foreground. Taken through window from inside a building. Submitted with description 'Photo taken from inside the Daugaard Inn in Daugaard, Denmark showing the…

Photos 1 and 3 are Second World War graves, Hamburg.
Photos 2 and 6 are anti-aircraft fire towers.
Photos 4 and 5 are 1914-1918 Great War Graves, Germany.
Photo 7 is a boat annotated 'The Mess Launch "Hazel" '.
Photo 8 is a passenger engine…

Photo 1 is a statue of the Kaiser, annotated 'The Kaiser & his "Der Tag" '.
Photo 2 is a German War Memorial.
Photo 3 is the front of a large building annotated 'Hall of Justice'.
Photo 4 and 6 is the Bismarck statue, annotated 'Bismark "Blood &…

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Seven items from a scrapbook. Items 1 and 2 are newspaper cuttings about operations that Ernest was involved in. They are captioned 'Cuttings from daily papers of raids on which my crew were engaged'. Item 3 is a London Transport ticket, captioned…

Photograph of shoreline with 'breach' indicated by arrow and shows flooded area. Text explains that the photograph shows breach in dyke with sea rushing in. Germans report 6000 of garrison trapped by floods.

Side view at night of a Fw 190 crossing right to left very close. Through the left front cockpit windscreen.

Account of George Thomson's aircraft 'NF958 (LS-M) of 15 Squadron being shot down by ME 110 on 12 September 1944. Five crew bailed out and were taken prisoner, the pilot did not escape and one other crew member left aircraft but was never seen again.…

Comments on target (Frankfurt) and odds on being shot down. It was their 19th operation and out of 124 aircrew shot down that night only 10 survived, five from their crew. Mentions evading, capture, initial treatment and journey to camp (Stalag Luft…

Top - seven aircrew, four standing behind wearing battledress and three sitting in front wearing tunics. All have brevet and wear side or peaked hats. Includes separate scan of this image. On the reverse 'The Boys on the day Sailor Doug and Joe left…

Top left - nine airmen by the tail of a Halifax. Six standing behind and three squatting in front. All are wearing battledress with side or peaked caps. Some have visible brevet.
Top right - seven airmen standing in line by the tail of a Me 110 with…

Account written by Unteroffizier Richter, wireless operator, of his night-time flight near Langeoog with pilot Oberleutnant Schoenert. On their second approach, they spotted an enemy Handley Page Halifax bomber. First attack at height of 3900 metres…

Description of attack by bomber command Halifax aircraft on synthetic oil plants. Mentions German jet aircraft.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Artwork showing a fat man with resplendent uniform with many insignia, baton, peaked cap and boots with spurs. Captioned 'L/Cpl Goering, the pride of the lootwaffe'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img178'.

Line diagram of a warship. Part of photograph in top right and title 'Emden'.

Memorial card for Private Andreas Thalmeier, from Rottenegg, who died on 16th August 1941 at the age of 21 years.

A German guard of honour watching over prisoners laying one of their number to rest. It is captioned 'Een vuurpeleton - een geestelijker en een baar... een helaas bijna dagelijks voorkomend beeld op het Kerkhof van de krijgsgevangenen' translated as…

A prisoner being interred in a grave, watched by many mourners wearing greatcoats. A German guard of honour is firing a salute.

A watch tower at one of the corners of the camp. It is captioned 'Een vande zes om bet kamp staande watchtorens' and translated as 'One of the six watchtowers standing around the camp'.

Two photographs, the page captioned' German'. The first photograph is of a group of Germans, one giving the Nazi salute standing around a newly completed grave in open country with a small building and vehicle in the background. Captioned 'One less'.…
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