Browse Items (113 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Peter bradbury"

Welcome to transit camp with instructions for reception, recreational facilities, money equivalents and departures. Second page show map of facility.

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a shingle covered building, annotated with the names of each individual and 'Q.E.D.'

Notes produced for a service at North Marston church where a memorial was to be sited.

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 17 June to 21 July 1944 (78 pages).

A list of actions to be taken during an emergency. Each crew member is listed with his position and emergency actions.

Seven items:
1. A photograph of the boarding house.
2. An advertisement for Southbank, the boarding house.
3. A photograph of 22 airmen, including John Joseph Parker as a corporal, three ladies and one man arranged in four rows in front of a…

Account of wartime service of Charles Reginald Jaques who joined the Royal Air Force in 1941 despite being in a reserved occupation. Includes training as a navigator in Canada and Great Britain, his commission, posting to 103 Squadron at Royal Air…

Top - Says he is keeping well but little news. Looking forward to receiving mail.

Bottom - writes that he is fit and had been to performance at the camp theatre. Mentions pantomime starting in a few days.

Reports arrival of two letters from him and mentions she is anxious to hear his views on size and cost of new house. Says she should be able to proceed with looking after parents arrive home and discusses possible locations and high cost of buying…

An autobiography of Tom Payne, mainly pre-war in Hemel Hempstead. At the start of the war he became a fire watcher. His cousin, Vivian Gunning, died in June 1940 whilst flying in a Blenheim. He recalls bombing and low flying German bombers. He joined…

A letter to Bob Moore from Terry Ford about 75 Squadron. He describes how his crew was the only completely non-New Zealanders, a disposal of a long delay bomb in the North Sea, the loyalty of his ground crew, the station Commander and his failed…

Account of the visit to Holland arranged to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Operation Manna. The visit took place From Friday April 26th until Friday May 3rd 1985.

Mentions that he has six log books to cover his flying career. Gives a brief outline of career starting in Poland and then in United Kingdom starting in 1940. After training he became an instructor until volunteering for operations and posting to 300…

An account of Ronald Walker's life compiled by his sons.

Letter from British Legion to Aubrey's mother, sent with their Overseas Catalogue.

He expresses love for his wife. He asks for soap to be sent.

A letter from Roy to his wife, Boo. It is full of passion, he is missing her terribly and looking forward to being with her in two weeks.

Letter from Officer Commanding 106 Squadron expressing his sympathy and suggesting the possibility that Aubrey had managed to bale out.

Document contains order of service for funeral and memoir of service in the RAF. Includes training as wireless operator/air gunner, troop ship to Cairo and continued training in Egypt. Posted for operation on Boston aircraft with 114 Squadron in…

Catches up with news and is optimistic about progress of the war. Tells a little about himself.

Writes about contents not to bother with in food parcels. Writes of not flying for 14 days and other activities. A large part of this letter was damaged and is unreadable.
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