Browse Items (113 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Peter bradbury"

Number 145-2. Awaiting news of progress with house. Writes of preparing his daughter for eventual liberation. Comments on atrocious weather. Recent arrival of tobacco parcel.

Number 146-3. List her letters that have arrived. Anxious for news of new house. Mentions weather and seeing British medical officer. Feels fit despite lack of exercise.

Starts with account of movements in RAF for 1941. Continues lwith entries for daily activities. Embarks Greenock, Leaves Milford Haven on 8 January for voyage across Atlantic and describes voyage to Canada. Arrives Moncton 20 January describes daily…

Diary kept by Keith Campbell 24 July 1944 to February 1945 describing being shot down, evading and capture and life as a prisoner of war. Some entries talk about operations. Ends with the forced march away from the Russians. Note on front - 'original…

A duplicated sheet for the bomb aimer to fill in with details of his bomb load. On the reverse notes about the Target Indicators.

A brief guide for airmen of all trades and grades to the interior economy of life in the RAF. It includes a lot of detail about ranks, pay, duties, regulations, discipline and trades.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

A list of contents of a parcel being sent to Dick Curnock by his mother.

Informs him that his son was missing as a result of air operations on 25/26 February 1943.

Letter form Officer Commanding 12 Squadron reporting that her husband was missing form operations on 5/6 August 1941. Enclosed is list of personal effects.

Writes of cables sent and received and still awaiting next letter. Mentions correspondence from others and passes on news contained. Comments on good weather, state of garden and how much they like living in new home. Mentions trying to find…

Acknowledges arrival of letter and postcard and notes that some letters have gone missing. Comments on some of the content of letters concerning censor and his allotment. Glad to get good news of his health and well being and understands the intense…

Comments on reliability of mail lately. Mentions leave and activities in Edinburgh with other members of crew. Writes of family issue with Kevin. A large part of this letter is damaged and unreadable.

Writes about contents not to bother with in food parcels. Writes of not flying for 14 days and other activities. A large part of this letter was damaged and is unreadable.

Catches up with news and is optimistic about progress of the war. Tells a little about himself.

Document contains order of service for funeral and memoir of service in the RAF. Includes training as wireless operator/air gunner, troop ship to Cairo and continued training in Egypt. Posted for operation on Boston aircraft with 114 Squadron in…

Letter from Officer Commanding 106 Squadron expressing his sympathy and suggesting the possibility that Aubrey had managed to bale out.

A letter from Roy to his wife, Boo. It is full of passion, he is missing her terribly and looking forward to being with her in two weeks.

He expresses love for his wife. He asks for soap to be sent.

Letter from British Legion to Aubrey's mother, sent with their Overseas Catalogue.

An account of Ronald Walker's life compiled by his sons.

Mentions that he has six log books to cover his flying career. Gives a brief outline of career starting in Poland and then in United Kingdom starting in 1940. After training he became an instructor until volunteering for operations and posting to 300…
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