Number 54. Received cigarette parcels and ask her to trace and thank donors. Notes parents worried that he is not acknowledging their parcels and writes that he has done so but letters may have gone mussing and that he is limited to two letters and…
Number 55. Thanks her for a parcel and he asks her to trace the sender of some books he has received. He also mentions that he is looking forward to a concert that the Symphony Orchestra will perform the following day. He goes on to explain how he…
Number 57. Writes saying he has not been reading the mostly thriller books from Stockholm and will give them to the library. He goes on to give his opinion on the entertainment in the camp and mentions some of the various productions. He mentions…
Number 58. Lists letters received and mentions medicine and request she send violin strings. Sorry that American parcels have stopped. Writes about future home appliances and mentions music theory study. Is delighted with photographs she sent of…
Thanks him for ringing as it makes her happy and cheerful knowing he is safe. Asked his views on Churchill's speech but did not like his view on using gas on Germany. Writes of how much baby Frances dislike her gas mask and that she will try and get…
She thanks him for writing and is amused about his comments on the after-life, but tells him how worried she had been when she had heard that 19 bombers had been missing. She goes on to tell him of domestic matters and hopes for leave soon.
Reminisces over recent leave and comments on her recent activities. Comments on agricultural reading and papers. Notes that baby daughter Frances has cut two teeth and mention getting new ration books.
Writes about weather over year's holidays. Reports content of cable she send previous Saturday. Says how important cables are to her as no letters for some time. Wonders whether when he returns they will still live in their small industrial town.…
Writes of weather and earlier blackout times. Mentions his letters which reported that they had had more food parcels from Canadian Red Cross. Mentions letter from friend and passes on news. Mentions factory chimneys smoking after short holiday.…
Writes that her son was a member of Robert Wareing's crew. She is pleased that Robert is recovering, but has had no further news of her son Bertie Campbell, who is missing. They did not know he was flying until he was reported missing - he took his…
Say she had not forgotten her and carries on with general news and gossip. Continues with news of activities. Asks if she has had news of Bob and offers sympathy.
Writes notifying her that the Red Cross regularly sends Invalid Foods and Medicines to all POW Camps and Hospitals where there are British prisoners of war, However, if she was anxious about her husband a report could be obtained from his Senior…