Forty nine trainee airmen in four rows, five instructors front and centre.
Annotated: 'Back row, left to right - Cadets Wylde J, Marshall R J, Bailey E H, Rushton D T, Watkin G, Ewart R R, Willoughby J A, Baldwin R H, Browne R C, Randall K W,…
Exhibit displaying wooden cross from Eric Bailey's grave. There is a framed head and shoulders photograph of Sgt Bailey in uniform on the left of the cross and a framed account of his death on the right of the cross.
Five rows of airmen in uniform, seated and standing in front of Old Dalby Hall, Leicestershire.
Front row (left to right): P/O A G A Harmsworth, A/P/O H B Salter, P/O D M John, P/O T Duckett, P/O C E Davies, A/P/O E H Maule, P/O J H Page, P/O A…