Browse Items (131 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Angela Gaffney"

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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Six newspaper cuttings referring to the award of a DFM to Edward Nevill and giving details of the conduct which led to the three crew being awarded medals.

Five trainee airmen including Fred Hooker, arranged round a desk. On the reverse are signatures of four men and 'Bridlington 1943'.

Headlines: the retreat from Stalingrad, another 12000 prisoners taken, Russian grip on vital railways, axis reports new soviet offensive at Kalinin.

Half length portrait of Arthur Thomas' father, Reginald.

A head and shoulders portrait of Reg used as an escape photo. It is annotated with his name, trade and other details.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

A receipt signed by Ruth Arrowsmith for a one quarter share of her mother's savings.

Includes: tables of fighters, multi-engine bombers, as well as national aircraft markings, drawings of aircraft, meteorology notes. Continues with notes on preparation/completion and disposal of form 2330 by RAF for flights in Great Britain and…


Item 1 is a newspaper cutting marking the return of the Lancasters to Graveley.
Item 2 is a newspaper cutting titled 'Goodwill' showing 11 Lancasters over St Paul's Cathedral.

Revue produced by RAF Graveley Entertainments Committee, with combined Royal Air Force and Women's Auxiliary Air Force cast, including Kay Burchell. Includes some signatures.

Covers installation of cables, identification of cables, continuity tests, insulation and resistance, bonding and bench work.

Photo 1 is three quarter length image of Norman Jackson, Roy Dobson, E Sandilands and Roy Chadwick.
Photo 2 is a caption with the names of the four in photo 1.
'Warrant Officer NC Jackson VC, Sir Roy Dobson OBE, Managing Director, Mr E Sandilands,…

Photograph of 13 ladies standing in front of a coach, captioned 'Wives Club outing St Eval'.
Handwritten copy of extract from SROs Christmas Island.
Photograph head and shoulders, from the side, sergeant in flying overalls and flying helmet…

From information provided by the donor. Four photographs ,the first is a reverse with the crew listed, annotations 'Baxter 507, L - R top, Sgt Baxter, F/eng, Sgt Prowse R/Gunner, P/O Deare W/Op, L -R Bottom, S/L Villiers Pilot, F/O Allinson Nav, P/O…

Notes on brazing, soldering, and Morse code alphabet including diagrams.

Ten airmen arranged in two rows, captioned 'No 7 A.G. Instructors Course (Squad 3)' and the names of the ten airmen.

Forty-five airmen sitting and standing in three rows in front of a building. John Valentine is eighth from the right in rear row.

"Nazi backroom boys killed, Pennemunde raid wiped out air experts HQ". Account of Peenmeunde operation and background to research carried out there. Surrounded by other articles and further articles on the reverse.

Extract covering German Secret weapons and their deployment and attack by allied air forces. Discusses possible effect on Overlord.

Received official notice that Sergeant (now Pilot Officer) Hedley Robert Madgett had been awarded Distinguished Flying Medal now reported missing.

Photograph 1 - the Christmas dinner menu at RAF Farnborough with a cartoon of a German reconnaissance aircraft being shot down.
Photograph 2 - the signatures of some of the participants.
Captioned 'Christmas dinner, R.A.F. Farnborough…

Notes written by Malcolm Staves during his wireless operators training course.

A list of 12 photographs in the Syd Cooper collection.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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