Browse Items (112 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Alan Pinchbeck"

Details out-turn of Harold Fry's service estate as a total of £18 5s 2d.

Letter from Harry Brooks' father ('Pop') to his daughter-in-law Winnie. His wife has written to Winnie asking that her daughter Pamela be sent to stay with them but without inviting Winnie herself. He does not agree with his wife's attitude towards…

Sorry that they missed her and she should call in if passing. Sorry to hear the bad news and hopes for better soon.

Tells her that she is glad she has had news of Bob and that she knows how she must be feeling. Mentions being thrilled as she knew Bob well as he was best man at her wedding.

Writes sending thoughts at the anxious time that Bob was missing.

Thanks him for recent letter and mentions that she is going to fete that afternoon where daughter will figure in fancy dress competition. This would clash with her sister's arrival for the weekend. Writes of partially successful shopping in Amersham…

Writes that his kit bag had arrived and she had washed contents. Mentions his violin was OK apart from slight damage. Continues with news of daughter and shopping and mentions she is not feeling well. Hopes he is enjoying new place.

Explains three religious books that he has sent to John Valentine. Catches up with family news.

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Congratulatory letter written on House of Commons paper on award of Victoria Cross and relates views of others he has met, a missed meeting and inviting him for a meal.

The letter refers to the decrease in eating, particularly picnics and wartime activities. He expresses a desire to meet with Mrs Whybrow.

A letter from Captain A Macdonald to Officer in Charge, 'B' Squadron, asking permission for Malcolm Staves to attend the wedding of the writer to Malcolm's sister. Also attached is the wedding invitation to Mr and Mrs Ely on the occasion of the…

Catches up with received and sent mail and complains about censor restrictions on what she is allowed to write. Continues with description of her and daughters recent activities. Mentions she bought herself a skirt and her plans to send him a chess…

Acknowledges receipt of his postcard number 5 and is worried about his health. Asks if he has received Red cross parcels yet and mentions parcels of cigarettes and tobacco she has sent. States her plan to send him agricultural books for study.…

Letter written by Elizabeth McDowell of Aimimage Productions, thanking Robert Wareing for the loan of photographs and telling him when Nightfighters is to be shown on the Discovery Channel.

Enclosed is a photograph of four aircrew behind a…

Informs her that her husband now a prisoner of war was appointed to a commission and goes on to explain resulting financial matters. Writes that as an officer he needs a bank account and suggests how they go about arranging this.

Writes that in view of the lapse of time and absence of any news of her son, that they regretfully conclude that he had lost his life.

Covers all aircraft systems with diagrams. Includes aircraft layout, fire extinguishers, fuel system, flight controls, hydraulics, bomb door operations, flaps, undercarriage including emergency lowering, brakes, oxygen system, booster pumps, fuel…

Cash book but contains notes on: medicines/chemicals on first page. Followed by general notes and outline diagrams on Stirling, Halifax, Me-110, Dornier 215 & 217 and Hudson aircraft. Continues with flight engineer's notes on a large number of…

A memoir by Joe Harrison of his first operation in 1943. He describes the initial briefing, the events during the bombing run, the damage to their aircraft and his subsequent illness. Includes descriptions of the post-op analysis and good crew…

Actions to be performed by each crew member after the order to 'put on parachute' has been made.

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

A postcard from John Valentine to his wife Ursula written from RAF Grantham. He tells her that this is not his permanent address and that they are still in the dark about future duties.

Writes of her attempts to recover money that he left in his locker. Says no letter from him for three weeks. Hopes to get his prisoner of war number so she can send him books.

Mail returned as it referred to an enemy broadcast. The government did not want the enemy to know that anyone listened in England to their broadcasts.

Has recommendation from his Squadron Commander, his Station Commander and the No 4 Group Air Officer Commanding. Was gazetted on 14 September 1943.
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