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  • Contributor is exactly "Alan Pinchbeck"

Report from western Germany. One page of a propaganda leaflet produced by the Psychology War Department and Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. The second page is absent, but both pages are translated into English.


Explains three religious books that he has sent to John Valentine. Catches up with family news.

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Written aboard ship on route to Brindisi. Writes of journey through Greek archipelago and about travelling companions. Says that he will arrive in Brindisi in the morning and take train to Rome. Hopes to spend a couple of days in Rome before taking…

Handwritten notes include: boost controls, various valves, rev counter, engine installation, heaters, fire extinguishers, oil filter maintenance and aerodrome ground signals.

The letter refers to the decrease in eating, particularly picnics and wartime activities. He expresses a desire to meet with Mrs Whybrow.

A magazine produced in a prisoner of war camp. It describes the need for education in the camp, the lecturers, the subjects taught and examinations taken or about to be taken.

Writes of her attempts to recover money that he left in his locker. Says no letter from him for three weeks. Hopes to get his prisoner of war number so she can send him books.

Acknowledges receipt of his postcard number 5 and is worried about his health. Asks if he has received Red cross parcels yet and mentions parcels of cigarettes and tobacco she has sent. States her plan to send him agricultural books for study.…

Catches up with received and sent mail and complains about censor restrictions on what she is allowed to write. Continues with description of her and daughters recent activities. Mentions she bought herself a skirt and her plans to send him a chess…

Thanks him for recent letter and mentions that she is going to fete that afternoon where daughter will figure in fancy dress competition. This would clash with her sister's arrival for the weekend. Writes of partially successful shopping in Amersham…

Writes that his kit bag had arrived and she had washed contents. Mentions his violin was OK apart from slight damage. Continues with news of daughter and shopping and mentions she is not feeling well. Hopes he is enjoying new place.

Describes arriving a new location near Doncaster and that he might be moved closer soon. Comments on recent holiday and looks forward to the next one. Mentions supply of cigarettes and writes of his activities. Discusses what she might do if called…

Top - writes he is fit and well and that he went to a pantomime previous night. Mentions ice skating and not having any mail.

Middle - writes that he still has not heard from her. Hope mail and cigarettes on the way. Writes of meeting old school…

Writes he is fit and well and had a good Christmas including special Red Cross food parcel. Still waiting for weather to be cold enough to be able to ice skate. Had just had a little snow so far. Asks if she has decided a name for the baby and…

Reports arrival of mail and says he had written to Air Ministry asking them to open an account in her name and mentions other financial matters. Catches up with news of friends and acquaintances. Mentions going to church and asks her not to send him…

Says he writes regularly and hope his letters are getting through but he has had none from her for two months. Says he is an an army camp now and they get their mail regularly. He says he will move camp again the next day and will write when able to.…

Reports arrival of three letters which were first for two months. Glad baby is well and will be glad when he gets photographs. Says he is in another camp, the third in a month. Hopes he will stay there but should be in another camp as he has been…

Discusses mail to and from. Noted that last letter was addressed to Flying Officer but he had had no confirmation but hoped she had received money due to her. Writes of friends and hopes they will be together next year. Says everyone has had enough…

Top - to his wife saying he was writing by flickering lamp. Writes that things are moving quickly and everyone expects to be home by Christmas but he couldn't imagine the war ending.

Middle - front of postcard with address to Mr and Mrs…

Catches up with family news. Writes of life at RAF on Initial Training Wing at RAF Aberystwyth. Tells her what scores he got in tests, how much he’s earning and how leave is looking more unlikely. He also tells her about being interviewed by the…

Letter written over several days. Initially expecting to have his flying test the next day and be able to return for leave soon after, but this is changed following snow. He and six others are unable to take their tests in time and remain at the…

Congratulatory letter written on House of Commons paper on award of Victoria Cross and relates views of others he has met, a missed meeting and inviting him for a meal.

An invitation issued to all married families to attend a presentation, march past and parade at St Eval.

27 pages transcribed from a local newspaper covering the night 100 bombers overflew Switzerland leading to two being shot down. Bombs were dropped on Swiss territory.
14 airmen were buried at Vevey and the funeral is described. There is repetition…

Notice paper for five years reserve service for James Douglas Hudson dated 29 June 1939. Gives conditions and contains certified copy of attestation with personal; details. Concludes with signatures, oath and certificate of a justice of the peace or…
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