Number 172-29. Delighted to get two letters from her and thrilled to hear of birthday gift although he states he is not a virtuoso on the violin. Red cross violin has not arrived but German one has been repaired. Catches up with family friends news…
Starts with apologies and arrangements for upcoming events. Mentions no operations since Bremen but is now doing supply drops in the Netherlands. States he has done 13 2/3 operations but missed his crews last three due to illness. Talks of taking a…
A memoir written by a Royal Australian Air Force wireless operator. Firstly he describes major events in the war but he continues with his own experience training in Canada then commencing further training in the UK. Only three pages are…
Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…
Reports arrival of £53 16s 6d and that they have opened account for him. Encloses cheque book and provides some explanation of communication with bank.
From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…
From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…
Senders address is care of Worms and Company (shipping agents). Asks whether Dennis Raettig has been receiving mail from his father and relates family news. Comments that most women and children have been evacuated. Tells story of two women…
Covers all aircraft systems with diagrams. Includes aircraft layout, fire extinguishers, fuel system, flight controls, hydraulics, bomb door operations, flaps, undercarriage including emergency lowering, brakes, oxygen system, booster pumps, fuel…
Writes about how busy she had been and describes some activities. mentions weather and snow. catches up with news of family, friends and activities. Hopes cable she sent would arrive with him in a few hours but might take a few days according to post…
Has not written for three weeks as busy sorting out three houses before moving in to new one. Notes arrival of his cable on 22 May and wonders what would happen to all her letters sent to previous camp at Le Kef. Mentions that he has reported only a…
Reports arrival of latest letters all sent by airmail but with different postmarks. Not yet received any letters from Aumale. Wonder why he had to move from previous location at Médéa. Writes of her difficulties of moving over the last few months…
Had just received four letters from him, all by airmail but some had taken longer than others. Worried about cost to him of airmail. Passes on sad news of loss of friend. and news of others missing and awarded medals. Catches up with family news,…
Pleased to receive letter and cable. Telegrams are a boon especially as mail is not too regular. Discusses letter from friend. Says recent letter had no stamps and describes markings. Comments on the weather and and on news of restrictions to his…
Describes sowing and getting fire going. Asks about his weather and describes their own. Mentions letter from friend concerned about him. Passes on best wishes from a relative who is planning to send him books. Lists letters received from him.…
Writes that summer is over and mention planting seeds. Mentions that there are some nice gardens locally and that their garden would compete with grandad's. Garden is her chief joy which is why she mentions it in many letters. Wonders about the…
Sam's graduation ceremony then further training on Battles and Astro on Ansons.
Photo 1 and 2 are the menu for the graduation meal.
Photo 3 is the ticket for the graduation dance.
Photo 4 is the tables set for the graduation meal.
Photo 5 is the…
A description of Sam's further training in the UK then operations at Malta.
Photo 1 is an informal group photograph with airmen, two WAAFs and three dummies.
Photo 2 is an air-to-air view of a Wellington.
Report from western Germany. One page of a propaganda leaflet produced by the Psychology War Department and Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. The second page is absent, but both pages are translated into English.