Browse Items (112 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Alan Pinchbeck"

Letter from Harry Brooks at RAF Waddington to his wife. He talks about arrangements for her coming to visit and he hopes he can get the time off.

Incomplete letter telling his wife about going to see one film and hoping to go and see 'Gone with the Wind'. He goes on to say he is enclosing £5 cheque for her to buy a coat. Concludes both sending love to her and daughter.

Notes on theory of flight, thermodynamics, power calculations, engines and components, superchargers, propellers, range flying, velocity/speed calculations, rules for range flying, flight planning, electronic circuits and electrical theory.


Covers RAF top level organisation, list of all home commands and scope of aircrew training. Continues with description of structure of air council, and detailed description of bomber command structure. Followed by two training analyses with diagrams,…


Covers Halifax Mk III, starting and running up, handling and climbing, cruising, and data tables. Continues with Lancaster fuel (capacity), oil, coolant, rad flaps, external checks, auxiliaries checks on turrets and engines, temperatures for run up,…

Contains: notes on physics of force and moments with formulae and calculations. Notes on chemistry of fuels, requirements for carburettor,. Continues with mechanics of stress and properties and chemistry of metals. Continues with geometry and drawing…


The entries proceed from 1 January 1942 to 24 October 1942.

Acknowledges receipt of their latest letters and mentions sending them a able and expecting their next one. No news of note but writes about the weather. Contemplates life in England and mentions catching a tarantula. Comments he has spent as much…

Catches up on mail received and tells them not to worry about him spending all his allowance on mail, there was little else to spend it on anyway. Mentions stamps applied by authorities not him and does not know why cost varies. Writes that the…

Flight Sergeant wireless operator on 58 Squadron at RAF Linton-on-Ouze flying Whitley III. First operation to Ruhr to drop leaflets and crash landed in France on the way back. Other operations were convoy patrol and bombing in France, Netherlands,…

Number 32. Notes letters received. States he has no objects belonging to his pilot (Floyd) and that he also tried to get recognition of his gallantry without success. Catches up with news. Writes he is fully occupied but has not stated his…

Sent via the air ministry. Writes that she had had no letter from him that day and then goes on to describe her activities and that she was missing him.

His course continues and he hopes to get some leave when it finishes. He comments on her work and a local V-1 alert.

He is expecting leave when he gets transferred. The weather has delayed the course again. They have been drinking beer in Newark.

First operation to Montluçon 15 September 1943. Briefed as easy trip with little opposition. Arrived early and waited for Pathfinders, bombed from 8000 ft. Wing Commander Smith missing from operation reported hit by bombs. Operation 2, Mondane 16…

Reports arrival of mail and notes all sent up to 4 February apart from one had now arrived. Glad his letters had also gotten to them. Writes about books he is reading. Mentions correspondence with family of Eric Pickles a navy man in the camp.…

Catches up with mail received and notes two of sequence have still not arrived. Pleased that they now have his letters written up to the end of January. Writes that there was no need now to send parcels as regular Red Cross parcels were now arriving.…

A memoir by Joe Harrison of his first operation in 1943. He describes the initial briefing, the events during the bombing run, the damage to their aircraft and his subsequent illness. Includes descriptions of the post-op analysis and good crew…

Hard back notebook with hand written and drawn notes and diagrams compiled when he was at No 2 A.G.S. at R.A.F. Dalcross in 1943. Twenty nine pages containing the theory behind gunnery, ammunition and the turret.

A postcard from John Valentine to his wife Ursula written from RAF Grantham. He tells her that this is not his permanent address and that they are still in the dark about future duties.

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

Number 31. Reports no new mail received. Mentions parcels that have arrived. Writes of reading about agriculture and plans for future and where and in what sort of house they might live. Encourages her to approach an estate agent. Mentions weather,…

Number 106(49). Reports arrival of two of her letters and that she will not hear from him for a while as they leave the next day. Mentions music exams he taken. Says he will keep up his violin, his study of agriculture and Dutch. He writes that he is…

Number 51. Describes conditions in new camp. Mentions they no longer cook their own food therefore little distraction from monotony. Mentions difficulties in continuing with his violin. States that mail will be slow for a few weeks, comments…

Number 121-28. Still no mail or food parcels. No chance to practise violin and therefore bored. Good weather and suntan. Reports on health and flies. Mentions war news getting better and optimism abounds but not him. Still worried over new weapons.…
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