Browse Items (2033 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "TRicia Marshall"

Instructions for a convoy of four sections of 30 vehicles and a fifth with the remaining vehicles. It details the route and where stops will be made.
There is a second copy.

The telegram advises that Sandy is missing.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The letter reports her son as missing but advising he may have escaped.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The letter refers to the disposal of Reg's personal effects.

The letter refers to Jim Cahir being reported missing. It explains events on the night he went missing and explains that his personal effects will be carefully stored.

The letter advises that George is missing with no further news.

The letter advises George's father about his personal effects.

Letter to Mrs J. H. Wilson from 7 Squadron enclosing a list of next of kin for her husband’s crew and requesting confirmation of her address.

A song to be sung to the tune of 'Sing me to Sleep' by a 17th Lancer. There are two verses and a chorus.

Apologises for purloining procedures book which is being returned. Explains that he is training as a 'tec' instructor which might amuse some of his colleagues.

Writes about her recent pass with honours. Comments on her exceptional ability and knows her brilliant performance would allow her to continue her studies. Continues to describe other actions that had been taken.

Writes expressing sympathy that Joan’s husband Bob has been reported missing and they are awaiting further news from her.

Handwritten engineering notes recorded during training.

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Writes of arriving at new camp where they were forming a new squadron. Notes that three others who trained with him in Canada had also arrived. Mentions dispersed nature of camp and distances he had to walk to facilities and other sections. Says he…

Writes that he has settled in and has a bike and uses it to to get around and go to local village for dances and local pub. Mentions that they now have three Lancasters. Says he had gotten over a bad throat. Catches up with gossip and mentions…

Writes that he is settled at Woodbrook in South Africa and tells a little about his life and training.


Writes that he had arrived at Durban and went by train to East London. Mentions the uneventful sea journey and says he would start training soon.


Looking forward to Christmas and speculates on food. Catches up with family and other news and mail. Concludes with family banter.


Writes that he had not yet had any mail from them. Describes his Christmas and boxing day activities. At the end mentions he had just received mail.

Writes that he still had not received any mail from them. Describes new year celebrations and seeing a film and getting a lift back to camp.

Reports on mail received and catches up with family news. Hopes he will start his course soon.

Reports arrival of mail. Mentions that his flight are still waiting to start their course but rumours suggest they will start in a week. Catches up with family news and gossip.


Writes that they will be starting their course on Monday 25th. Writes of dates of future moves to new training schools. Mentions poor weather and playing snooker and table tennis.


Reports recent mail and catches up with family news. Writes that his flight have at last started training. His course would take 9 weeks and then he would move to another station. Writes about weather and sunburn.


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