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  • Contributor is exactly "Steve Christian"

These pages are mostly biography of Sam's time in Egypt and his time with transport aircraft in the Mediterranean region.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are scenes from Cairo.
Photo 4 is a side head and shoulders profile of Sam.
Photo 5 is a Battle aircraft in…

Thanks her for the pen she sent but noted that the ink had leaked while in transit due to altitude. Catches up with news from home mentioning drought and bush fires. Mentions that rest of crew had gone into town and commented on his ground course.…

Mentions arrival of her mail and that he should have written earlier. Writes that he has been busy night flying long hours and preparation takes a long time as well. In addition he finds it difficult to sleep during the day. Catches up with news from…

Apologises for not writing and makes excuses. Notes that she will shortly go to Bendigo and be able to catch up on all the news. Comments on his location and the weather. Mentions that he has done some flying and his aircraft is the safest of the…


Writes about cutting his finger on barbed wire while walking back across country from a dance. Had to be stitched but still gave trouble. Says he is now crewless as the rest had volunteered together to go to Transport Command. Mentions asthma and…

Writes of enclosing certificate for crossing the equator and a photograph of himself. Says he is going on leave and will write about it in next letter. Mentions seeing comedy and catching up with friends.

Written on headed notepaper of canteen service department of California, veterans of foreign wars of the United States. From O.P.A 422 Auspost London. Tells of being discharged from ship's hospital on reaching Durban but subsequently continued with…

Writes that she sent cable and copies content. Replies that she has had all the cables he sent as well as photographs enclosed in letters. Mentions she is delighted to get his letters. Comments on weather and reminisces. Catches up with family news…

Reports arrival of mail with photographs, parcel dispatched, asks after books.

No letter for a month but glad cables had still been exchanged successfully. Also glad that the two photographs had made it through OK. Described recent activities and weather. Describes different bus routes to Burnley. Mentions father filling in…

Writes of cable and letters received. Mentions neighbour giving her money to get him something but cannot make people understand she cannot send him anything. Mentions beautiful countryside and comments on weather. Says gardening was at an end but it…

Describes their current activities and still waiting for return cable. Mentions father on fire watch duty and writes about his business. Now have lived quiet existence in new home for four months. Describes garden and neighbourhood. Talks about lack…

Thrilled two photos, both well.

Writes of high temperatures and going to hairdresser as well as different ways to walk into town. Mentions gaps in arrival of mail and then all come at once. Asks after baby jackal and whether he will resume boxing. Says she sent a donation to Red…

Reports arrival of five of his letters that week and mentions stamps and postmarks. Mentions that radio announcement that different regulations are now in force regarding letters to prisoners of war in neutral countries. Glad that he takes part in…

Writes of weather and how hot it gets at father's works. Describes new area as up to date small industrial town and mentions some local news. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news. Mentions their garden and catches up with other…

No letters received lately but pleased to get cables from him. Catches up with news of family/friend, comments on cooler weather and going out to lunch in restaurant in Nelson. Continues with news of other activities including shopping for wedding…

Describes view from their dining room window but says they have had little summer weather. Comments on his weather in Tunisia. Catches up with news of family/friends. Comments on postcard he sent where the woman pictured displaying more of her person…

Notes arrival of 4 letters and 5 postcards in a week. Comments on contents concerning his activities and whether he is becoming a cynic. Writes of happy hours spent in garden. Provides description of new house. Mentions double summer time and sunrise…

Reminisces over previous Easter. Writes of activities including looking for a house. Mentions shortage of houses and long waiting lists. Discusses finance and his allotment to them and that he had tried to change it. Delighted to hear that he had…

Received two letters and three post cards from him. Comments on contents of his letters. Mentions that they had not seen oranges in England. Mentions time letters take to travel and that they have sent cables. Talks of their life in general. Catches…

Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Catches up with news from home including baby's birthday, office life and other activities. Describes going to Stratford on Avon on his bike. Continues with more family news and comments on his brother's activities. Describes display by Harvard…


The letter refers to lost and returned letters and cards. The writer asks Fred to send her a photograph of himself.

Writes complaining of lack of information about grave and that the War Graves Commission were the only ones to write and they supplied little information. Malcolm was laid to rest at Court L'Eveque, Haut-Marne. Writes about possible inscription on…
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