Browse Items (119 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Robin Christian"

Letter to Mr Moth from Doris explaining how sorry she feels for Winnie and all of Harry Brooks' relations and asks recipient to convey her sympathy to Winnie. Apologises that she had insufficient time to wire a wreath for Harry's funeral.

From Director of Music at the RAF College Cranwell, inviting him to arrange an audition as a clarinet player.

Letter sent in response to an enquiry about provision of a headstone for Aubrey's grave and obtaining a photograph of the grave. Letter informs his mother that the Imperial War Graves Commission provides head stones and that the British Legion have a…

Congratulates him on award of Distinguished Flying Medal.

Letter date 21 July from 'Don'. Reply to letters sent two years after Don left the squadron. Notes that he is in touch with some other squadron members and recounts what happened to him after he left the squadron. He went originally to 1669 Heavy…

The letter refers to the shock of his son, Monty being missing in action.
The letter is incomplete.

Thanks him for previous two letters and notes that the numbers keep mounting. Proud of him that he emerged little changed from his time as internee in Africa. Say they are proud of his current service and looking to the future of his career.…

Acknowledges receipt of letter 29 and thanks him for letting them have letters so regularly. Mentions disturbing events over the last few days and people who have loved ones exposed to horrors of war. Wonders when he would be home and discusses…

Writes to congratulate him on achieving his 30 operations and says they are very proud of him. Eagerly awaiting his homecoming but know that it will be a strain to say goodbye to his companions. Mentions his father's reception of the good news and…

Writes of letters received as well as photographs enclosed. mentions going to cinema to see 'Target for tonight'. Comments on autumn weather at home and cooler temperatures for him. Continues with chat and gossip as well as some description of house…

Five weeks since last letter which would have been worrying without cables. Describes autumn weather. Wonders what food he has now that fruit is finished and mentions availability of tomatoes at home. Reminisces over Christmas and catches up with…

Great to receive cable with news of move to Laghouat. Six week since last letter and was feeling anxious. Hopes new camp will be clean and healthy. Some confusion over spelling of new location, awaiting letter to clear this up. Comments on weather.…

Six weeks since last letter but glad we still have cable. Comments on content of last letter. Explains repetition but not sure which letters if any get through. Reminisces and comments on weather. Writes of activities and catches up with news of…

Thanks him for latest letters and surprised to get it so quickly. Delighted by good news from Medea but note that circumstances have changed again. and they are anxious to get news. Comments on recent good weather and recent thunderstorm. List cables…

Writes this was trial letter using special airmail prisoner of war post form. Reports arrival of recent letter from him and decribes stamps on it. Writes that she had been to Burnley to buy socks and shirts for his next parcel. Interested to learn…

Letter from manager at Jaffe and Sons Ltd mentioning ex work colleagues from prewar employer. Many had now left and were in the forces. Asks how he likes Algeria. Mention fund raised by members of the company to send comfort to members of staff who…

Apologises for not being able to visit and explains problems with getting permission. Looks forward to seeing him in [xxx] if not England after the war. Passes on news of others.

Inviting him to an investiture for award of his son's DFM.

Writes they are sorry that there was no news of her husband. Other aircrew that she had enquired of were reported as killed in action and another as prisoner of war.

A reply to Jim for an order for a Rolex watch whilst he was in POW camp. A handwritten annotation describes the order as tongue in cheek and he never followed it up. Included is a blank prisoner of war envelope.

Letter of sympathy for her missing husband and mentions worries over conditions encountered by soldiers in Normandy.

Letter of sympathy and mentions his son is in Normandy and letters not coming through from France. Passes on local news.

Delighted by news that her husband is safe. Catches up with news.

Letter posted from RAF station North Luffenham by Base Navigation Officer, Squadron Leader Alan Hill covering family news and friendship matters in general. Is glad that Bob is safe and well and wanted to know about how to send parcels to him.

Writes that he is happy that she and Penny are safe. He states he is ready for anything. Prays that she will be protected from the terrors of war. Concludes by saying that if anything should happen, tell the children he was one of the first to go.
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