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  • Contributor is exactly "Oscar Verhoeven "

On the right an officer addresses a senior officer. On the left a formation of airmen on parade. In the background spectators and a hangar. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img132'.

A formation of men wearing metal helmets and with shouldered rifles being addressed by a group of senior officers. In the background a camouflage painted hangar. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img125'.

In the foreground a group of senior officers, two saluting. In the middle distance from left to right a long formation of airmen on parade with a colour party with dipped colour in the centre. In the background two hangars. Two versions of the same…

Three senior officers presenting objects to rank of airmen on parade. In the background camouflage painted hangars. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img126'.

Senior officers standing by a table in front of ranks of airmen on parade with camouflage painted hangars in the background. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'Dad 4 from R second row'.

Formations of airmen formed up for parade in front of a camouflage painted hangar. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img153'.

Three senior officers standing in front of a several lines of airmen on parade. One senior officer is presenting to an airmen in the middle of front rank. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img152'.

A senior officer, accompanied by one other, is shaking hands with an airman in the in a line of men wearing greatcoats at the front of a parade.

A senior officer is pinning a medal onto the greatcoat of an airmen at near end of a rank in formation of airmen on parade. In the background a hangar. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img139'.

Formation of airmen all wearing greatcoats and side caps forming up in front of a camouflage painted hangar.

Formation of airmen all wearing greatcoats and side caps forming up in front of a camouflage painted hangar.

A group of senior officers inspecting a formation of airmen on parade. In the background camouflage painted hangars. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img158'.

A formation of airmen wearing greatcoats marching past two officers on left saluting. In the background camouflage painted hangars and buildings. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img514'.

In the foreground right a formation of airmen marching eyes right led by an officer saluting right. On the left a group of senior officers. In the background a Wellington of 305 Squadron and hangars. On the reverse 'Parade for those who died'. Three…

A senior Polish officer marching left and saluting towards a formation of airmen on parade. In the background other parade formations and a camouflage painted hangar. On the reverse 'Parade with General Sikorski'. Two versions of the same image, the…

Three-quarter length view of a pilot wearing flying suit, helmet and parachute standing on airfield in front of a hangar. Four versions of the same image, the second submitted with information ' img073', the third with 'img201' and the fourth…

A pilot wearing flying suit standing by the tail of a high wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the left part of a hangar. On the reverse 'PZL-P26 Biplane trainer [sic]'. Five versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'A…

Pilot sitting in the cockpit of a high wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8) with other aircraft in the distance. On the reverse 'A PZL-P26 biplane trainer [sic]'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'P2L-P26 Trainer…

A pilot wearing helmet and goggles sitting in the cockpit of a high wing singe engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the reverse 'Grandad in the rear of a PZL-P26 trainer'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with note 'img382' and…

Full length image of a pilot wearing flying suit, helmet and goggles standing on Lwów-Skniłów airfield with hangars in the background. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img411'.

A group of Polish and other officers and civilians looking at an aircraft, just propeller visible. In the background hangars and church spires. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img517'.

A view of a camp with a roundel flag flying from a central flagpole. There are lines of uniformed men on parade between the flagpole and a row of six single storey, grass roofed buildings. There are further scattered single storey buildings with…

Air-to-ground view of a standard lay out RAF airfield with buildings on the left and runways to the right,

Air-to-ground image of an airfield with hangars and other buildings in bottom half and airfield with part of runway in top third of image.

A training camp in Canada. In the foreground are three cars and in the background three large huts.
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