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  • Contributor is exactly "Margaret Carr"

Letter from David Boldy to his parents telling them about the weather and his school activities.

Letter from David boldy to his parents telling them of his school life, his teachers and test marks.

Letter from David Boldy to his parents telling them the books he is reading, present buying and school sports.

Letter from David Boldy to his parents telling them of his school sports.


The document is broken down into Definitions, scope, air warfare, air safety, organisation, Ministry of Supply, Commands, Groups, Stations, Squadrons, Basic and operational training, Post Graduate training, Navigation technique -Policy, Equipment -…

Stanley Norton comments on Geoffrey Norton's training, he describes his last leave and going to the cinema with Dorothy, to the theatre with Eve, to a dance with Dorothy, lots of domestic activity and news.

Notes written during Ernie Twells' engineering training. There are calculations, diagrams and notes.


Written at sea. Starts with some humorous banter. Mentions that the first thing he will get when they settle and but a house is a dog. Writes story of obtaining a snakeskin in Brisbane and that he will be up all night going through the strait where…


Appreciates all that Doris is doing. Writes that the are being shabbily treated by Air Ministry and that others had been informed of their relatives fate they had not. They had received notification of presumed dead and that Malcolm was laid to rest…

Letter from Harry Brooks to his wife telling her that his pass has been approved and he will see here on 22nd. He says that he has received a letter from Spiros who has been moved to 'a terrible camp, so he says' near Grantham. He finishes by…

Letter from Harry Brooks to his wife explaining why he did not manage to telephone her. He also apologises for not writing before, but says that he has been very busy, and promises to write the following day. Sends his love to wife and baby and is…

Harry Brooks write to his wife apologising that he couldn't see her at the weekend. He also tells her that he has been unwell and unable to buy her a birthday card. He says how much he loves her, and talks about possible arrangements for the next…

States that squadron was detailed to attack third constructional site at Sirancourt just to the west of St Pol. One P-51, two Mosquitos and 17 Lancasters took off for attack. Reports clear weather and good target marking. Aircraft bombed visually to…

Date 25 June 1944, target, zero hour 0905 hours.Lists leader and marker 1 in P51, two more markers in Mosquito and 17 crews in Lancaster carrying tallboy bombs.

Reports that this was the fourth constructional works target for the squadron. One P-51, one Mosquito and 17 Lancasters were detailed. States it was another difficult target and describes marking efforts. Reports difficultly in finding aiming point…

Mentions photographs taken the day after the attack by bomber command on 8/9 February 1944 do not permit detailed assessment. Damage is seen to south west half of the works and more than half the main machine shops have been destroyed. States that…

Refers to photographs taken on 13 February 1944 after the attack by bomber command on 12/13 February. Reports excellent quality photographs showing many new craters and one very near miss but no damage viable to viaduct.

Writes it was wonderful to spend two days with her. Mentions journey back to camp. Describes activities and intensive training for passing out parade. Mentions cook house fatigues, food preparation and free cake. Goes on with more description of…

Post card from John Valentine to his wife informing her that he has sent a parcel. He tells her that he is leaving for Grantham early the following morning and that he will write again when he has a new address. He ends by saying that he is…

Number 177-34. Reports arrival of many letters and joy of photographs. Catches up with family/friend news. He talks about their finances and of her purchase of extra land and out buildings. He tells her how depressed he has been and how she was…

Number 148-35. Remind her of anniversary of event 5 years ago and that some more letters from her have arrived. Mentions playing violin and is delighted with photographs of daughter. Assures her that her letters are not trivial. Congratulates her on…

Asks whether he would like her to send razor and to mention that he would like his post office savings book to be returned to her as she need his written authority for this. Asks whether he would be prepared to make a rug if she sends him materials.…

Writes telling him that she had bought their daughter some bedroom slippers. She goes on to say that two books would be sent on to him. After giving him some general news regarding people they both know she ends by saying that she has written to…

Thanks him for recent letters and mentions raining medical supplies issues with Red Cross headquarters. Glad he has joined church choir and decided to study English literature. Discuses other potential study and lack of mail from his family. She goes…
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