Browse Items (43 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Frank Batten "

A newspaper cutting with a photograph of Group Captain Tait, Mrs Twells, Mr Twells, Councillor Wilson and Mrs Wilson. The 617 Squadron Association were presented with a silver salver by Derbyshire County Council.

Covers marking method, route markers, Pathfinders and bombing instructions. Shows five waves with aircraft allocated to each. Details Window and effort level. Annotated 'Schweinfurt' at the bottom left.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 16/17 March 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined. Third crew in second row is crossed through. and a new captain annotated for fourth crew in second row. Includes two standby crews and duty…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations. Fourth member of each crew is ticked. Includes two standby crews and duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 10/11 April 1944. The fourth member of all but one crew is underlined in red and ticked. Fourth crew member is third crew down on left is replaced annotated 'McCullum'. Includes three standby crews…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 23/24 June 1944.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 21/22 January 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined in red and ticked. several aircraft have red ticks above them. The standby crew has letter 'Y' alongside. Included timings and duty…

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on night 25/26 January 1944. Fourth member of each crew underlined in red. Includes two standby crews and duty personnel. First standby crew has aircraft letter 'C' alongside, Third row fourth crew member has…

List crews and aircraft for operations on night 27/28 January 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked then crossed in red. Includes timings, duty crew and duty presonnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 20/21 January 1944. The fourth member in each crew is underlined in blue and ticked. Includes duty personnel, standby crew and timings.

Lists crews and aircraft for operation on night 18/19 February 1944. Includes timings an duty personnel. On the reverse handwritten notes on bomb loads and calculations.

Lists 17 crews of four with aircraft for bombing and four crews for gardening which are crossed through in red. All bombing crews have a time slot appended with the length in brackets.

Lists crews and aircraft for operational flying. One crew member on each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes timings and duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations for 17/18 April 1944. One member of each crew is underlined in blue. 'Cancelled' written in large red letters acoss the page. Notes at the bottom.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations. One crew member in each crew is underlined. Fourth crew member in right hand top line crew is crossed out and 'Barker' annotated alongside. A letter is annotated to each aircaft. Includes duty personnel and…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 3/4 May 1944. One crew member in each crew is underlined in green. Includes duty personnel and timings. Handwritten notes on bombing.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 7 May 1944. Included timings and duty personnel. Heights written in pencil for each crew. On the reverse some handwritten calculations.

Letter from George Wilson to his wife telling her he has arrived at RAF Elsham Wolds with other people who were late. Discuss details of their recent marriage, asks for certain items of clothing to be sent to him and states he has his wife’s…
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