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A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

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Writes that he was enclosing odds and ends left in his care. Mentions losing colleagues on operations and other operational matters including a ditching with missing crew.

Navigator's. air bombers and air gunners log book used as a daily diary from 23 January 1944 until 31 January 1944. Describes daily activities including lectures as well as training and test flights. Mentions social activities, weather, inspections…

RAF Form 675 listing WAAF equipment. The form has not been completed.

Leslie Curtis describes how, when flying from Gibraltar to Malta, his Wellington (Z8773) experienced engine failure and he was forced to ditch in the Mediterranean Sea. The sole survivor, Leslie was picked up after four days by the destroyer, HMS…

A booklet containing historical images of the USAAF, details about training and photographs of staff and cadets.

Left - A large group of airmen wearing tunics with side caps standing in two rows in front of an Anson. One officer in centre standing has a lighter uniform and peaked cap. Annotated with signatures and home towns of many of the participants.

A notebook completed by Ivor during his training. At the end are eight pages of newspaper cuttings of operations that Ivor took part in.

After a challenging time being sent from country to country, Zosia Kowalska finally came to England and became a WAAF. After training, she was posted to RAF Locking where she met her future husband whilst she was working as a cook. The wedding was…

Wanda Szuwalska was born on a farm in Poland and was deported to Russia by train at the start of the Second World War. She talks of the journey to Russia, the time she and her family spent there, then coming to England and becoming a WAAF. Wanda…

Mieczyslaw Maryszczak was born in Bokyivka, Ukraine and served in the Polish Army and then the Polish Air Force. An early memory of the war is throwing bread to starving Russian prisoners being marched from Lviv to Podlesice. At seventeen he was in…

Marion Clarke served as an mechanical transport driver during the Second World War, her main duties were on Bomber Command stations primarily driving crew buses. She talks about the conditions she experienced such as her accommodation, uniform, leave…

Lech Gierak was born in Poland and after the death of his father made his way to England and joined the Polish Air Force. He worked as an armourer on a number of stations and after the war moved to Stoke on Trent to become a miner. Lech talks about…

Jan Stangrycuik (Black) was born and raised in Poland. When he was a teenager, his family emigrated to Argentina for a better life. When the British Embassy called for volunteers to join the war effort, Jan answered the call and sailed, with 700…

Brian Llewellyn was a member of the Air Training Corps during the war and spent time with the RAF as well as the Polish Air Force. He talks about his time in Lincolnshire, including various stations he visited and his first flight. Brian had many…

Arthur Hydes grew up in Ingham and his family were closely involved with the life of the RAF camp during the war, watching the airfield being built and operations from there. He talks about the village before, during and after the war, including…

Andrezej Jerziorski's wartime memories. Andrezej Jerziorski was born in Poland but after he and his father were evacuated from France, he managed to join the RAF and flew in Coastal Command during the war, stationed as far apart as Scotland and…

Laura Hickey was living in Tottenham at the outbreak of war and was evacuated to Suffolk. Her brother, Charles Henry Clarke joined the RAF and was shot down, becoming a prisoner of war and enduring the Long March. She tells of her times as an…

Text and numerous b/w photographs (some of which are also located in sub-collection albums) covering from immediately before and during World War II - (1939-1946). First page has colour photographs and description of prisoner of war medal. Continues…

Headline 'VC pilot died to save his crew after Turin raid'. Account of award of Victoria cross to Flt Sgt Rawson Hume Middleton RAAF who sacrificed his life to save his crew. Annotated 'John Reece attended Sgt Middleton's funeral after his body had…

John McAllister tells the story of his family connection with Bomber Command through his uncle who was killed on operations. John is a musician and movingly explains how, through writing songs and putting them on the internet about his uncle and the…

Newspaper article about a memorial service at Lincoln Cathedral where 2000 men, women and children bereaved during the war of family members were assembled to see two Bomber Command memorial books consigned to the Airmen's chapel of St Michael. The…

Two announcements for Flying Officer Maurice Monks now reported killed.

Says that things are going along fine but doing a bit more work and finds it interesting. Mentions seeing 'Blythe Spirit' and comments on surface mail. Poor photocopy cannot with start too faint to read.
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