Browse Items (42 total)

  • Tags: RAF Halfpenny Green

49 airmen arranged in four rows. On the reverse are the signatures of those present. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor. RAF Bobbington was also known as RAF Halfpenny Green.

Flying log book for F G Bower covering the period from 25 June 1942 to 4 April 1943. Detailing his flying training, including course certificate until his death on Active Service. He was stationed at Pan-American Airways Observer School, Miami, USA…

A list of addresses where F G Bower stayed interspersed with names and addresses of colleagues.

Diary starts in early 1944 and describes in some detail his journey to England and his travels around Britain when on leave. Eric was called up into the Australian Army in November 1941 and transferred to the RAAF in June 1943. Went to No 2 AOS at Mt…

An00509's autobiography. Seventeen chapters and an epilogue. Chapters 1-4 deal with early life and schooling. Chapter 5-14 the war years and 15-17 after the war.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University…

Royal Canadian Air Force observer’s and air gunner’s log book for Sergeant Albert Victor Ansell from 25 October 1942 to 30 April 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at Pan American Airways navigation school…

A biography of Fred. In addition it includes histories of aircraft and squadrons he served in, Details are included of airfields he served at. Additionally there are biographies of various servicemen associated with Fred's squadrons and service.

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