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  • Tags: 102 Squadron

States that Cheshire's previous wireless operator Flight Lieutenant Hill has suggested he write to Cheshire. Provides his history as air gunner with 102 Squadron in 1942 where he was credited with four aircraft destroyed one probable and two damaged.…

An account of Ronald Walker's life compiled by his sons.

Gives account of author's operation and then watching the collision of two Halifax while preparing to land. Makes some comments on danger of operations. Gives details of both aircraft involved, one from Pocklington with relative of Rebecca on board…

Megan Edwards talks about her husband, Arthur Edwards, who served in the RAF with 102 Squadron. Tells of how they met at school and always kept in touch through the war, until they married on October 7th, 1944. She remembers working at the Bristol…

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

12 pages from Reg Wilson's navigator's logbook covering the period 24 August 1943 to 20 January 1944. Details his heavy conversion training and operations with 102 Squadron flying Halifaxes. He flew 10 operations, all at night. Targets were…

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Informs her that her son was missing as a result of air operations 21/22 July 1943

Andrew said that during leisure time the crew drank, sang silly songs but didn’t really socialise much. He recalled an occasion when the Germans sent in about 200 night fighters infiltrating the main force on its ways home. They shot down a B-17…

William Bryan describes being hit by a German fighter and anti-aircraft fire while mine laying the Kiel Bay. The rest of the tour was reasonably quiet, consisting mainly of operations in the run-up of the Normandy campaign. He describes bombing…

Recalls Harry's joining the RAF and describes his initial, then basic and advanced aircrew training. Follows move to operational training unit, and joining 102 Squadron flying Whitley. Mentions operations to Berlin, Stettin and Duisburg. Converted to…

William Allen’s father had served with the Fleet Air Arm during the First World War. William also wanted to fly and so volunteered for the RAF at the earliest opportunity. He trained as a wireless operator. The crew arrived on the squadron and the…

Writes complaining about the state of the war. Mentions casualties and their effect on him and others. Describes the crash that killed Sergeant Ian Hay (748459). Comments on incorrect news about himself but he was obviously still alive.

Written by Ken Boyd the brother-in-law of a Bomber Command pilot Wilfred Comrie who was killed in a crash at RAF Pocklington in March 1943. Wilfred was an American who joined the RCAF in May 1941 and served on 102 Squadron. Ken Boyd was a first…

Laurie Harbutt was born in Edmonton, London. Before he volunteered he worked as a wireless telegraphist which was a Reserved Occupation. He wanted to join the Navy but because of his occupation his only option was RAF aircrew. He was posted to 77…

Alfie Martin was born near Belfast in 1920. He applied for the Air Force but his mother was worried about the dangers and so he withdrew his application. He joined the army and when the RAF advertised for soldiers to transfer the RAF he volunteered.…

John Thomas was born in Australia and joined the RAF in 1943. After doing his initial training in Australia he travelled to the UK via America. Further training, including an accident and night vision tests, led to 102 Squadron and a full tour of…

Annotated copy of The great raids - Peenemunde 17 August 1943 by Air Commodore J Searby.
Book includes:
Handwritten note on front 'In memory of Fred Dunn, killed Nov 22/23 1943'.
Telegram to Mr A C Dunn regretting to inform him that his son Sgt…

Describes a very near collision at night between an Halifax and a German Fw 190. Lists crew of Halifax. Notes it was their 31st operation of 34 total.

Incident 1. Describes ground loop on engine run up for take off. Pilot subsequently posted away.
Incident 2. Describes watching another aircraft taking off when its flaps fell down and bomb doors opening as it reached take off speed on the runway.…

Covers enlistment and early training in the Royal Australian Air Force. Continues with description of journey to England via the United States and training in England. Lists his crew formed during training. Joined 102 Squadron with Halifax Mk 3 on 12…
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