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  • Tags: 101 Squadron

Jack sat at a desk with pen in hand and an open book in front of him. The desk holds ink bottles and other items. He is in uniform with officers cap, brevet and Distinguished Flying Cross ribbon. On the reverse, 'JPW at work in 103 Sqdn office RAF…

A half-length portrait of Jack in uniform with officer's cap. On the reverse, 'John P Whymark. 10 Ian 20 4 Oct 1945 RAF 1938-45 F/L DSO DFC Air gunner 149, 148, 106, 101, 103'.

Eight man crew with pilot. George, standing third left, standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt Frazer-Hollins and crew at Ludforf Magna about September 1943'.

George wearing Sidcot suit, flying boots and gloves. He is holding his flying helmet with goggles around his neck. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt GAJ Frazer-Hollins DFC 101 Squadron Ludford Magna'.

Head and shoulder's photograph of George standing in front of a brick wall. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt GAJ Frazer-Hollins DFC 101 Squadron Ludford Magna Sept 1943'.

Cutting reports that Sgt Fred Roberts of Mardy reported missing on 5 January 1943 was now presumed killed.

Five aircrew posed in a line in front of a wooden building. By the door 'MT Workshop Keep Out' is painted. On the reverse, 101 Squadron P/O Brodie Navigator, Sgt Davies W/Op, Sgt Waterhouse, Captain, Self A/G, Sgt Clark Bomb Aimer' and Roberts 54…

Hear and shoulders portrait of Fred Roberts as a leading aircraftman, annotated 'To Dorrie with Love Fred'.

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Archie Henry Halliday from 30 August 1944 to 10 April 1945 detailing his training and operational duties. Training was with No.4 S of TT at RAF St. Athan and Heavy…

Map showing route to Schweinfurt with numbers (squadron and squadron letter, aircraft registration and location) indicating crash sites of lost aircraft. On the reverse '5 Group Operation to Schweinfurt April 26/27, 1944, Route taken and crash sites…

First page lists 13 lancasters and one Halifax by registration number and gives the number of operations flown, the squadrons they belonged to and their fate (disposal).
Second page lists a further 22 Lancasters by registration number only.

The first item is a list of Peter Lamprey's stations, ranks and dates. Peter Lamprey was a friend of Arthur's and pre-war fellow worker at Waterlow's the printers at Park Royal, London. A special operator with 101 Squadron, he died on 14 January 1944…

A battle order for 101 Squadron listing aircraft and crew. Handwritten at the top is 'Ops -Berlin'.

An airman sitting on a stone wall. On the reverse 'Aug 1/79 Helen & Vincent Lanping 99 Kingsdale Ave, Willowdale Ont. Canada. [indecipherable] for 101 Sqdn Radar Section RCAF'.

Photograph of the centre section of an airborne bomber releasing incendiaries and a 4000 lb bomb. Description underneath.

Photograph of airborne Lancaster releasing incendiaries with description of operation against Duisburg.

23 photographs from an album.
#1 is 617 squadron memorial at RAF Woodhall Spa.
#2 is 44 squadron memorial at RAF Waddington.
#3 and 4 is a plaque at 'The Wild Life' pub at Skellingthorpe.
#5 is a memorial at East Kirkby.
#6 is a close up of the…

Seven items in a scrapbook. #1 is the Bomber Command crest #2 is 5 Group crest #3 is 61 Squadron crest #4 is 101 Squadron crest #5 is Ernest's call up paper #6 is Ernest's acceptance into air force #7 is a meal pass used at ITW Bridlington.

A framed photograph of Sergeant Ralph Freeman. Included in the image is Ralph's medal ribbons, a Bomber Command crest, his pilot wings and his sergeant's stripes.
The photograph is annotated '1523700 Sgt Ralph Reginald Ernest Freeman 101 Sqn Bomber…
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