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  • Tags: RAF Kelstern

A montage featuring a photograph of Frederick, his medals and ribbons, letter from the King, his crew, letter from his group Air Vice Marshal and a note with his crew names and a comment that they were shot down over Cologne.

Target photograph of Le Havre taken during an operation. The right side is obscured by smoke. The left and top are clear and show the harbour, docks and breakwater. One vessel can be seen at an angle within the dock, bottom centre, but otherwise no…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Stettin. Much of the image is obscured by light and explosions but there are street patterns visible at the top. It is captioned '1359 KLS 29/30-8-44//NT C. 8" 16,000'

A target photograph during an operation at Ligescourt V-1 site. The village, tracks and woods to the south are visible. Explosions and smoke are seen on the village at top right and bottom left in the woodlands. Many craters in the fields around are…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre, centered on the Aplemont district, near the Forêt de Montgeon. The central area has explosions and smoke and many bomb craters are visible.
It is captioned 'KLS 10.0.44//8"…

A vertical aerial photograph of Foret du Croc. Most of the image is obscured by cloud. A Lancaster is visible in a clear patch under which road patterns are visible. It is captioned '901 KLS 6-7-44//8" 17,000' -->134° 21.00 1/2 Foret du Croc…

A target photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre. The left-centre of the image is obscured by cloud. The coastline and beaches north of the port is shown. A mix of urban and rural landscape with roads are visible, including the distinctive S…

A vertical aerial photograph of an operation at Volkel airfield. Much of the image is obscured by bomb blasts and smoke.
It is captioned '1243 KLS 15.8.44//8" 15,500

A vertical aerial photograph of Birmingham. The intersection between Church Hill Road and Crompton Road is highlighted. Captioned 'FN78 KLS 6-7-44//8" 6500' --> Birmingham 'Y' Training F/L Davy G625'.

Identification kindly provided by Kenneth R.…

Research notes about the collision of two Lancasters over Branston.

Catches up and reminisces over past good times. Mentions previous boy friends and current one.

From RAF Kelstern Christmas 1944.

From information provided by the donor. Photograph shows ten air and ground crew posed in front of their aircraft squadron letter W. Jack Brady was killed three operations later.

Frank Allnutt standing outside a Nissen hut.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Wireless operator Jack smith Aircrew at his aircraft position writing his log during a daylight operation to Essen, 25 October 1944, the crew's 23 operation.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Frank Allnutt and crew around a bomb inscribed 'Whacko Bluey!' beneath the nose of their Lancaster 'Wee Wally Wallaby with 31 operations recorded on it. From left to right: 'Billy Edwards flight engineer, Ralph Williams, nav, bomb aimer who replaced…

Pilot leaning out of the cockpit window of their Lancaster, there is a cartoon wallaby painted below the window and 22 operations recorded. The aircraft was called 'Wee Wally Wallaby' as it's squadron letter was W. The pilot is their captain John…

Navigator F R Williams in flying gear, seated at a his station writing in his log on the way to Essen October 1944.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Article 1 has a photograph of the nose of Lancaster Mike Squared, S for Sugar at Waddington, the dispersal hut at Digby and Barry Halpenny in the cockpit of a Spitfire with his book 'Action Stations'. The cutting mentions Douglas Bader flying from…

The aircrew wearing Mae Wests are standing under the nose of Lancaster 'Y2'. The ground crew are kneeling. Frank Tolley is second from the left on the back row.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Seven aircrew standing under the nose of a Lancaster 'Y2'. All are wearing Mae Wests. Frank Tolley is wearing his chequered bowler hat.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A soft top sports car with the roof up, registration PO 8455, standing in front of an arched corrugated iron building. In the background other buildings on the reverse '1934 Singer Lemans, RAF Kelstern, Lincolnshire, Winter 44/45, 625 Squadron'

Frank Simpson was born in Manchester and, after joining the RAF, volunteered to be an air gunner. He flew in ‘Ollie’s Bus’, which was named after the Canadian pilot. He describes seeing the German aircraft with the Schrage Musik, the upward…
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