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  • Tags: RAF Graveley

A four-page personal history of 115 Squadron written by J L Dixon, covering formation in 1917, to the end of hostilities in 1945. It is typed on Registration Research headed notepaper.

From John and his new wife Kathleen, possibly sent with piece of wedding cake.

Served to the officers and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers of RAF Graveley, some signatures on inside.

Revue produced by RAF Graveley Entertainments Committee, with combined Royal Air Force and Women's Auxiliary Air Force cast, including Kay Burchell. Includes some signatures.

Produced by RAF Graveley Entertainments Committee with a combined Women's Auxiliary Air Force and Royal Air Force cast.

Revue produced by RAF Graveley Entertainments Committee, programme number 463, 16 acts from combined Women's Auxiliary Air Force and Royal Air Force cast including Kay Burchell.

Brief but detailed notes of John Alfred Wright's life and Royal Air Force service, places he lived and the dates, stations that he served at, ranks held, medals awarded.

Pilots flying log book for Michael James Beetham, covering the period from 5 December 1945 to 18 July 1952. Detailing his post war squadron duties, staff duties, flying training and instructor duties and flew the victory day fly past and good will…

James White worked as a wages clerk for the Co-op before volunteering for the Air Force. He had intended to join the navy but he saw some recruits being shouted at so he turned around and crossed the corridor to join the RAF. He had always had an…

Applying for RAF Bomber Command in May 1940, Percival Trotman was called up in September 1940, training as a pilot at RAF Towyn in Aberystwyth. Being present at Coventry when the town was bombed, he recalls deciding that the Germans deserved to have…

Gwynne Price was living a rural lifestyle until he volunteered for the RAF. His dream was to train as an RAF pilot but since there was a surplus of pilots he chose to train instead as a flight engineer. On operations Gwyn observed the surreal feeling…

Frank Dell’s father was a member of the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War and so it was perhaps inevitable that Frank would share the fascination with aviation and a desire to fly. As a teenager Frank witnessed the aerial battles of the…

Pilots flying log book for Ronald Mathers covering the period from 1 October 1944 to 24 February 1948. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties and duties with 35 squadron. He was stationed at RAF Swinderby, RAF Finningley, RAF Hullavington,…

Four rows of airmen arranged in front of a Lancaster. It is captioned 'No 35 Squadron (B) (Madras Presidency) Squadron R.A.F. Graveley February 1946.' Ron Mathers is front row third from the right.

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting marking the return of the Lancasters to Graveley.
Item 2 is a newspaper cutting titled 'Goodwill' showing 11 Lancasters over St Paul's Cathedral.

Photograph 1 is 12 Lancasters in formation. It is captioned 'The Squadron en-route from Graveley to St Mawgan. 8th July 1947'.
Photograph 2 is five airmen standing at the rear door of their Lancaster. It is captioned '(we pose in front of aircraft…

A map of North America with a route plotted on it. Airfields visited are listed from Gravely and back. It is captioned '"Operation Goodwill" 8th July to 29th Aug 1946.'

Syd Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and was working as an engineering apprentice when he decided to volunteer for the RAF. Initially, he asked to train to be a pilot but when the basis of his apprenticeship became clear it was inevitable he would…

Caricature of a man in uniform striding to the left with hands in pocket. Caption 'F/O Johnny North DFC, one of Path Finders Aces, Johnny North goes south - (Crafty 48")'.

Seven aircrew standing in line wearing various clothes in front of a Lancaster with bomb doors open. Geoffrey North is second from left. The ground has a light covering of snow. There is a man standing on the port outboard engines and another walking…

Letter to R North from RAF Graveley covering enclosure of certificate for permanent award of Path Finder Force badge. Note of regret that there is no new of his son's crew.

First page records three flights 8/14/19 August 1945 in Lancaster as duty rear gunner. Page two records operation to Duisburg 21 February 1945 'missing' and repatriation flights in C-47 and Lancaster on 8 May 1945. Page three records flight to Berlin…

A day by day account consisting of three parts. Part one covers his being shot down on 21 February 1945, his capture and journey to prisoner of war camp arriving 15 March 1945 including an mention that his train was bombed by Marauders. Part two…

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